Part 29

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Walking through the door of my house, I flipped the light switch on and groaned at the light. The cafe had been busy today, and now that I was past my three week introduction stage, I'd been thrown right into the frenzy.

It wasn't hard, but I'd still developed a pounding headache. Heading to the kitchen to grab some tablets and water, I glanced up to the clock. 8:23pm.

Nodding to myself, I went to the cupboards, wondering idly what I could make for dinner as I prepared the medicine. A buzz against my leg caught my attention and I slid my phone out from my pocket with my free hand as I lifted my cup of water to my mouth, glancing around the glass to the screen.

"H2ODelirious- you offfff yettt?"

Smiling at my new friend, I swallowed and placed the cup down, heading to the lounge room, the idea of food not entirely appealing.

As soon as I entered the dark room, I headed for the couch, dropping down into the soft cushions and sighing out.

Turning down my phone brightness, I unlocked it and went to Twitter.

"LunaLirious- indeed I am, shift finished at 8 like I said it would :p"

It only took seconds before a the typing bubbles appeared, and with a small 'buzz', a reply appeared soon after.

"H2ODelirious- no more work for a day!!! :D"

With a small laugh, I sent a few praying hand emojis, silently preening because of the fact he'd remembered my schedule and day off.

"H2ODelirious- any plans for tomorrow?"

"LunaLirious- lots and lots of sleep. I can afford to be lazy, I shopped earlier today."

Rolling to glance toward the kitchen, still illuminated by one of the two lights I'd bothered turning on, I pursed my lips. I bought a packaged salad earlier, I should eat that.

Groaning, I threw an arm over my face and flopped onto my back.


"H2ODelirious- if you're sleeping a heap, do you mind staying up late so I can record some with the guys then?"

Peaking out from under my arm, I frowned at the polite tone the message seemed to have. Normally it was more 'stay up with me loser' or 'you're my bitch, do what I say!!'.

"Lunalirious- of course. Everything all good?"

Of course, I could be interpreting the message wrong, but I'd noticed that the past videos had been solo. The first few had some of the guys, but they were likely already recorded. Maybe he just wanted to post some solo things though? He did do that...

When he replied with a simple 'everything's fine (:', I couldn't help but not trust it.


Another week passed, and I couldn't help but notice Delirious also wasn't in any of the newer videos on other channels, aside from Vanoss'.

But, I'd seen the same game on Marcel's channel, meaning that was older footage that he just took a while to edit.

Rolling my lip into my mouth and biting, I turned to my phone on my bedside table. It was around 4am, and while I knew I should be sleeping, I couldn't manage to find its embrace.

Picking it up, I opened Twitter and opened those messages I was in far too often lately. Not that I was complaining.

The last message was a goodnight message from Delirious, at about 11pm.

I'm meant to be sleeping.

Sighing, I started typing out something I knew I'd probably regret.

This is dumb, this is so dumb...

"LunaLirious- Hey Del, I got called in for work and I'm on break, I have good news! :D"

Hopefully he falls for this, it's not entirely believable....

Rolling out of my bed, I trotted off to the bathroom to pee. When I got back, there was a reply.

He's meant to be sleeping too.

Trying to push my worries away, I read his reply.

"H2ODelirious- good news? What's up?"

"LunaLirious- shouldn't you be asleep? Did I wake you?"

Admittedly, I never was good at pushing my worries away.

"H2ODelirious- it's just habit, I'm used to staying up. It's nothing tho. What's the news?"

Oh man, I'm so stupid. Obviously his sleeping patterns weren't just going to change. Had he been sleeping enough then? He can't sleep through the day now, he's busy recording and such. Maybe he records at day and edits at night?

My lip was surely bright red at all the gnawing I was doing, and as soon as I noticed, I forced myself to release it.

Id had a realisation a few days ago, that everyone else wasn't going to change their schedules just for me. Meaning, group recording sessions were probably a lot harder now for Delirious. This, coupled with the concern for his health, cemented my late night decision.

And I know well enough by now that I'm far too easily swayed by emotions, when it's late night or early morning.

The fragile times when everything is lit in soft blue light and the world is a whole new place.

Let's just hope this doesn't mess up my normal world, any more than it already has been at least. I can do this right? Yeah, of course I can. I'll just sleep during the day, before or after my shifts. A few hours is plenty, I don't do much.

"LunaLirious- I managed to get night shifts! You can go back to your normal schedule! :D"

Fingers crossed.

(908 words)

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