Part 2

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If Droidd didn't get hurt, why did I? Why am I bleeding like this? Normally the characters don't actually have injury animations.

Another message popped up.

"Nogla- so you can see the text chat, can you hear us?"

Wiping away as much of the almost dried blood as I could with my knee, I looked up from my sitting position to Nogla.

"You haven't even opened your mouths, any of you. I tried talking to you and just got punched! Stupid fucking dream" I growled, now more frustrated than excited.

The people stood still beside me, with a few others running around in circles nearby while they listened.

"Delirious- The characters mouths don't move"

"Nogla- dream?"

Scowling up at the two, I pushed myself to my feet, to glare at the hockey mask covering Delirious' face.

"Yes, dream! How the fuck do I wake up? I thought pain was meant to work, but my nose is fucking killing and I'm still here"

Nogla's character spun in a few circles as Wildcat ran over to us.

"Wildcat- are you actually retarded?"

Letting out a frustrated grunt, I turned and glared at the pink masked man.

"Vanoss- so while I don't believe someones in our game, it's a bit weird"

"Vanoss- she doesn't act like a normal character"

Looking up from my wrist, I looked over at Vanoss on top of their car bonnet.

"Please just stop, I'm meant to be able to control my own dream. This is just kinda scary" I muttered, looking down at my wrist to see if I could make a text to speech setup.

"Wildcat- this isn't a dream dude, we're playing gta"

Small tears started to build up in my eyes as I blinked to hold them back. Bringing up a settings thing, I ignored the message.

"Nogla- what is that?"

I continued to ignore them, trying to not cry. This is more like a nightmare.

"Delirious- sorry for punching you?"

At that, the tears broke free, and my throat tightened. All I could do was hope my crying remained silent.

"Found it" going to tap the text to speech, I was shocked when my finger came into contact with a hard feeling, instead of phasing through the screen. Sliding across, I looked up at the characters.

"There, type now"

"You're crying" was the first thing that came through, and I somehow knew it was from Droidd, despite the robotic voice.

Wiping my eyes, I looked across at him, and shrugged.

"What is that?" Again came from Nogla, as his character raised his arm to point to mine.

"I woke up with it. It has like all the menu and stuff, and the phone. I just put text to speech on with it"

A loud explosion sound scared the shit out of me as I stumbled forward from the shock, looking back to see a cop cars black shell on fire. A star popped up on my watch and I frowned at it, looking up to Moo who had a sub machine gun in his arms as he ran to one of the cars they came in.

Panicking, I started running as an officer starting moving towards me with a baton out.

Hearing gun shots, I glanced over my shoulder to see a bloody body on the ground, with Evan, VanossGaming, standing over it.

The character quickly T-bagged the corpse before running toward me, and I couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped me. He jumped into a car and started it, before he turned to me.

"Get in"

Quickly opening the back door, I slid onto the leather seats of the vehicle.

The car took off at an insane pace that had me gripping the front seats as my stomach lurched. Quickly clipping the seatbelt shut to stop from being thrown on the corners, I glanced out the back window. A car with Delirious in the front seat tailed us, Droidd leaning out a window to shoot at pursuing cop cars. A sticky bomb flew from the window of his passenger side, and as Wildcats bomb exploded, my watch vibrated.

Second star.

"Can we just lose notoriety? I don't feel like being involved in a cop chase"

Looking forward to Vanoss who spun the wheel at a fast pace, I was thrown against the seatbelt roughly. That'd probably bruise.

"Especially because I'm not sure I'll respawn if I die."

With no reply from Evan, I glanced back as the car behind us kept going, not taking the left we had.

"Can you like, not speak? Oh wait, cos you need to "type" yeah? And can't do that while driving"

I held up my fingers for the bunny ears when I said type, still not believing this wasn't a dream.

Swerving another sharp corner, I cried out as I was thrown again, but locked my jaw to hide the pain.

"Please don't crash though, I get normally it's not a big deal, but I'm genuinely not a character and really don't fancy losing my life in a dream"

I explained to dream Evan as I tried to stay more still on the turns. I had to admit though, the adrenaline pumping through my veins had a small smile on my face despite my panic.

The car came to a jerking halt out front of the building I recognised as Evans place. As his character climbed out of the car, I followed, holding a hand to my ribs as I painted lightly.

"You ok?" I looked up to the owl mask, nodding my head.

"M' fine" I gasped out, trying to even out my breathing. He headed through the door of his building, and I went to follow.

As I stepped through the door, everything faded to black for the briefest second, but when I blinked I was in front of his door, standing inside the apartment. Looking outside the window, I saw I was suddenly floors above where I previously was.

For a second, I thought- how cool, I just teleported.

But that thought faded when the dizziness over took.

The ground started to wobble and I reached a hand out to grab something to steady myself.

Only to crash to the ground in a wave of black.

(1065 words)

Part 2 done!! I'm gonna try to update these two Vanoss crew stories every single day, maybe twice a day if I feel up to it. But that's a maybe.

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