Part 5

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"So, ever wanted to shoot a gun?"

Vanoss' obvious attempt to cheer me up, worked quite well. If I was going to be stuck in this "dream", then I might as well make the most of it.

Sitting up quite fast, I turned to grin at him.

"Oh my god, there's so much stuff I can try!" Leaping from the couch, I moved to Evan to hug his character tightly.

It's still weird hugging someone who won't hug back.

None the less, now that I knew they could feel it, it was a useable method to show my gratification.

Skipping toward the door, I looked back to see everyone following me.

Pausing in hesitation at the door, I bit my lip, before opening it and stepping through.

This time I expected the teleport and was a lot less effected, but I still got a small wave of dizziness as the black faded.

"I'm sure I'll get used to the teleporting eventually" I mumbled, leaning against a wall for a second as everyone else exited.

"So, does anyone else know how to actually shoot a gun?"


Moo pulled up the car in the airport, not far from the landing strip.

Climbing from the vehicle, I looked around in awe.

"It's so insane seeing this for real" I mentioned at I walked toward the other car that pulled up.

"I can only imagine" Vanoss said as he stepped up beside me, looking at the shitty metal box he'd parked in front of us. In other words, my target.

I watched as a handgun materialised in front of Vanoss, then raised my wrist and tapped the watch. As the holographic menu opened in front of me, I flicked my finger across. Sure enough, the equipment menu was also in there, only;

"One problem. I didn't buy any guns."

I dropped my wrist back to my side, and looked at the guys. Wildcat started running towards me, stopping in front of me. Pulling out his handgun, he typed a message.

"Can you take it?"

"Oh, hadn't thought of that!" I said, stepping forward. Effortlessly, I pulled the gun from his hands, which remained in the same position, as if he still had the gun.

As I stepped back, a different gun appeared in his hands to fill the space I'd made.

"Thanks, Tyler" I said, smiling at the sky where I hoped his camera would be. Awkward if it wasn't.

Positioning the gun how I'd been instructed on the drive here, I tried my best to aim. Shooting, I got the back seat window, where I had aimed. Admittedly though, we were within 15 metres of the car.

The minor recoil wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though I knew a day of shooting would easily tire my arms out.

After unloading the clip onto the car, I tried handing the gun back to Wildcat.

"Uh." Remembering he couldn't raise his hands to take it, I stared awkwardly at his character for a second. "Maybe if I sit it on the ground you can pick it up like normal?" I suggested, stepping back and placing it in front of me.

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