Part 19

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"Get out of the road!" I screamed out, slamming my palm onto the car horn. Or, golf cart horn.

Swerving around Cartoonz, I laughed loudly, purposely making it sound crazy. We were headed across the expanse of a large green field, racing to the other side. Although, I could run faster than we were moving.

"Take this bitch!" Came from Delirious, and moments later I heard an explosion. Glancing behind me, I watched Delirious' cart appear through a cloud of smoke, passing by Cartoonz who was stood beside his sideways vehicle.

I laughed as I watched Bryce's character stumble away from the explosion, somehow making it out alive. Delirious was gaining on me because I'd slowed to look back.

"You'll never catch me!" I called, laughing into the cold nights air. I slammed my foot down on the gas like I was in a high speed chase, leaning forward in my seat as if it would make me faster.

"Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man"

I was giggling uncontrollably, ignoring the quiet complaints coming from my watch about Bryce's destroyed vehicle and me pushing Cartoonz over. We weren't cheats, just... Competitive and innovative.

Seeing a flash of blue in the corner of my eye, I slammed my foot on the brakes as Del appeared in front of the cart. My heart was pounding, but I didn't let my shock stop me, no way was I being caught.

Launching myself from my seat, I dodged Ohms vehicle as it passed, and took off in the direction of our path of destruction.

Cartoonz, or Luke's, cart was now stood straight, and Bryce was driving it in circles around the owner. Until he stepped forward, throwing the thief from the seat and climbing in himself.

Grabbing Bryce before he could try to take the buggy again, I spun him in front of me.

"Save me!" I said, panting to regain air.

"You'll never escape" Delirious said, pausing to stop in front of my barricade. I could just imagine the insane laughter, and I couldn't help the little laugh that escaped my lips.

"Bryce, you'll protect me won't you?" I said, curling against his back to hide myself as much as possible.

"I'll protect you!" He said, and I snorted as his character sprung for Delirious, swinging a fist to his face.

I took a few steps away, laughing at the scene as I prepared to run. But then I realised it wasn't necessary, as a golf cart swept in and took out both of them, bouncing as it went across them.

The thud noises were kinda gross, but I couldn't help the loud laughs that bubbled up from my stomach. Placing a hand flat against my stomach, I sent a thumbs up to Ohm, who was looping back around for a second attack.

"What the hell man!" Delirious called, and I started clapping with delight.

Luke stopped in his reclaimed ride next to me, and I wasted no time in climbing on the side.

"Mush! Ya! Forward, noble steed!" I laughed, probably catching the others attention as we started toward the nearest road.

Crossing the road, we started climbing the hill on the other side and approaching an old wooden shed. The cart was going super slow against the incline, and I could knew they were after us.

Mainly, from the loud smashing of two cars on the road.

My quick look back showed a totalled golf buggy, and an angry driver beating Ohm up. They were standing in the car lights, making it look like the fight scene from a movie. Cool.

Climbing in next to Cartoonz, I threw an arm over his shoulder, secretly enjoying his warmth. I'm not weird, I swear, there's just a slight breeze at the top of this hill.

"Thanks for the ride, my man" I said cheekily, doing the call me symbol with a wink to him.

"I can feel you!" He said, and I frowned. It sounded more like acceptance than shock though. Although, the wording caused my face to change back to the cheeky grin.

"You can feel me any time you want" I said in a mock seductive voice, until my laughter broke the charade.

"Yeah Del wasn't lying, I felt it before!" Bryce said, causing me to look back as I remembered they were meant to be chasing.

Ohm was fighting more people now, and Bryce was helping a bit. Delirious however, was climbing the hill at a steady pace. The only lights illuminating this area were the street lights shining up, and the angle of illumination made him seem much more creepy than normal.

Squealing quietly, I climbed from my spot and headed for the shed, sticking to the outside wall and ducking in the shadows. When I made it to the back, I crouched and calmed my breathing to listen.

Oddly enough though, I couldn't hear him. All the sounds I could hear were the gun shots that had started in the street.


I leapt away from the noise, which actually lead me straight into the chest of Delirious, considering the noise was actually my watch.

Gasping, I pushed my self away, before laughing at myself. I just got double scared.

Winking at him, I turned on my heel and ran from him again, out from behind the shed and toward the street.

At the top of the hill, my foot crashed into a rock, and I stumbled, before losing my balance. The first collision had me bouncing, my eyes tightly closing against the spinning world as I tried to curl my arms around my head. The next few came in quick succession, each sending a jolt of shock through my body.

I could feel little rocks catching on my clothing and jabbing into my skin as I rolled, before coming to stop with a loud groan.

Opening my eyes, I saw two headlights right in front of me.

(991 words)

Hey guys. I didn't end up doing two yesterday, because I had a really sore throat and just wanted to sleep. Waking up today, I realised its because I was getting sick. So sure enough, today I've felt awful xD but, I said I was going to update and felt bad with how I've been lately, so forced myself to write this out for you all!

Side note, I'm on phone. And I clicked update wattpad without thinking, before quickly stopping it. Came in and my story was closed. Thankfully tho, it saved as a draft. I almost cried with joy xD

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