Part 16

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Climbing out from the dumpster quietly, I ducked in the shadows. As Lui stopped a few metres past my spot, so did Delirious.

"Where's Luna?" He asked, and Luis hand raised, pointing at me.

"Over there?" Del said, clearly confused as to why I would be over here.

Hopefully, I'm as hidden as I think I am. His character turned, and he took some steps toward me, clearly deciding to play along. Mistake.

Taking my opportunity, I sprung out from the spot, diving for his character, as a high pitched squeal bubbled from my throat. Stopping just shy or his character, I started giggling as I just as quickly moved back. And rightly so, as I only just dodged the fist swung toward my face.

Stumbling, I fell on my butt, and just laughed.

"WHAT THE FUCK" came through my watch, quite loudly, but it only made me laugh harder.

"That even made me jump and I knew it was coming" came from Lui, who's character was now besides Delirious.

"You were in on it?!" He shouted, before attacking the monkey masked man. I was now leant up against the wall, sat in the shadows, shaking.

The tears were streaming down my face and my hands were pressed to my stomach as quite gasps escaped me every now and then.

My lungs were starting to hurt from lack of air.

Raising my palms to my closed eyes, I wiped the tears, slowly regaining my breath. Mentally counting to ten to calm myself, I opened my eyes, watching the car and mouse chase that was happening near the car.

As Lui jumped from the car and ran toward me, I stood, stepping in front of him. "Alright, that'll do. You have to admit that was golden" I said, rubbing my sore cheeks.

"That wasn't cool Luna!" He said, and I smirked. 

"It so was, I bet you laughed"

"After you screamed like a bitch" Lui said, and immediately Del tried to step around me. Turning a little, I slapped Lui's stomach, tutting at him.

"Don't stir, you jumped too"

"Shut up"

I only laughed.

Walking from between them, I exited the alley, looking around for Del's car. Spotting it a little up the road, half on the sidewalk, I walked towards it.

"Next plan" I called to them "I want to steal a tank"

"What?! No!" Came from the squeaker, and I pouted. Opening the back door to the car, I slid in.

"Aww, pretty please?" I whined, looking at the two running toward me.

"Do you know how often we die trying that stuff?" Lui argued, and I frowned. It's true, but what else are we meant to do?

I'd spent the time on the beach thinking of ways I could get out of here, and hadn't thought of one.

I had no clue how I was in here in the first place, how that was even possible. How was I meant to know how to get out? Maybe, we could look for anomalies in the world, anything different or out of place to how the GTA map normally was.

But, that'd take days. A week, if not more. And we could still miss it. Yet, it's better than immediately assuming I was stuck here, and putting my life on the line to take my mind off of the situation at hand.

Nodding to the two people in the front seats, I posed my new plan.

"Ok well, what if we look for anything different? Anything out of place. We'll have to do it by segments, though, make sure we miss nothing. Try and find a way out for me?"

It was a drastic change of plans, and probably seemed pretty random, but I needed to think clearly. Lui was right, I couldn't just die.

"I can screen cap and print the map?" Delirious said, and I smiled agreeing.

"I'll take us to the bottom left. Are we searching the ocean too? One of us could take a chopper or boat" Lui said, making a U-turn and driving down the street.

"We probably should. Just a quick check over. You guys can do that while I check buildings? If I can go inside everything then it's better to be safe than sorry I think"

The drive settled into silence then, and I sank down into the back seat. It wouldn't be too long of a drive, but I'm tired.

Drifting off slowly, I started humming a song quietly to myself. They could probably hear it, but I was too out of it to care.

My watch vibrated and started making sounds, causing my eyes to flicker open. Noticing we were put front of 'my house', I frowned.

"It wouldn't let me screen cap, so I printed from Google. Every time we update it I'll take a photo of it and send it to the group chat" said Delirious, and I rubbed my eyes softly, yawning.

"Sounds good. I think we should start tomorrow though, she needs sleep. I'll come back in the morning. Do you have videos to edit?" He asked, not noticing I'd woken up. Although, it was slightly silly of him, with my watch speaking their words. Maybe they can't hear it?

"Yeah, I'm gonna record with Ohm, Luke, and Bryce too, I'll try my best to join again at night. Someone else will probably be able to help."

"I'll ask a few of the guys. We need to wake her up somehow, get her inside" Lui said, and I decided I should finally open my eyes. Blinking a few times, I sat up with a soft smile.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." I mumbled, looking toward the house. "Bed time?"

"Bed time." Delirious confirmed, and I nodded.

'Delirious has left the game'

'Lui Calibre has left the game'

(971 words)

Ive been super busy, and in my down time I've been playing Pokemon go. I'm really sorry. But I promise you won't have to wait more than 3 days for the next update. And I'm about to update Darkness!

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