Part 9

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Smiling lightly, I closed my eyes tightly against the sunshine coming through the window.

That was a freaking cool dream, I thought, cuddling against the pillow.

But... I fell asleep on my couch.

Frowning, I curled up smaller. It wasn't just an average dream. I'm still here, in the GTA V universe.

Opening my eyes confirmed my suspicions as I looked around the room bathed in the warm glow of the sun.

At least I feel refreshed.

Sitting up, I rolled off the bed, and moved toward the kitchen. Rubbing my eyes, I pulled open the fridge, only to frown. No food.

"Ah shit. What am I supposed to do now? The guys could be anywhere, if any are still here" I wondered out load, looking around. Before I grinned deviously.

Skipping out the door, I clicked it shut behind me, then turned mischievously to the car still parked near the house.

I didn't have my license, and I'd only driven once in a manual. But, noes the best time to learn right?

"Right" I confirmed out loud, walking to the vehicle.

Opening the door, I laughed upon seeing the keys in the ignition.

"Oh my gosh" I snorted "That's how they steal cars so easily. They're not even hot wiring"

Still laughing, I turned the key and started the car, noting that it was thankfully an automatic. Leaving the parked spot, I started driving slowly down the street, still not wanting to crash and hurt myself.

Or hit anyone.

Sure, they wouldn't actually be hurt, but it was just unsettling seeing people be injured and killed when it all looked real.

I giggled as I picked up pace, driving at normal speeds. This was so cool. Such a simple thing, but I had to admit it was a thrill.

Manoeuvring my way through the streets, I tried to remember the way to the food place from yesterday.

When I finally came to a stop, I left the car in the middle of the road, and climbed out. As I reached the sidewalk, I heard a honk behind me and a loud crunch. Looking back, I watched a car swerve away, the man in the front seat cursing.

"Thanks asshole!" I called out, sticking my finger up at the car as it drove away.

Turning back to the convenience store, I remembered I didn't have any money. If I stole it, would I get notoriety? Shrugging, I stepped inside, enjoying the air cooler that filled the store with a comfortable chill.

Walking toward the back shelves of the shop, I looked across to see the store clerk not paying attention.

Grabbing a box of easy mac n cheese, I stuffed it up my shirt. But the best hider, considering it was a tight singlet shirt, but it'd have to do.

The mix between excitement and nervousness caused me to giggle, as I walked towards some cereals. I grabbed two boxes of a fruit muesli, and frowned. No way could I hide these.

Shrugging, I slipped the pasta out from my shirt and held them all in my hands.

Wait... Could I?

My eyes lit up as I lifted my watch. Bringing up the phone, I smiled when I saw the mugger.

Tapping on his name, it popped up with the options- MiniLadd and Daithi De Nogla.

Sending him after Mini, I sat in the floor and waited, laughing to myself at the thought of Mini's face when the random mugger came after him.

Brian must have left at some point, not that I expected them to stay. I must have slept for like a good 8 hours. It's weird that the game time was moving at the same pace as the real world, that normally didn't happen. Or, maybe I was being sped up, and it just seemed like normal to me? Too confusing for me.

Standing up, I continued to fill my arms with food that'd help keep me alive for however long I was here.

Walking towards the counter with full arms, I started stacking it all up. As I was placing the final items, I felt my watch buzz.

As soon as it did, a golden ring appeared around me, and the cashier started scanning.

He must have been successful, I'm glad he wasn't killed.

Laughing quietly, I grabbed my bags, wondering how I was meant to pay. But, as soon as I lifted them up, my watch buzzed again, and the cashier looked away.

Oh, ok. Cool.

Walking out to my car, I put the bags on the passenger seat, and smiled at the cars driving around me. Starting the vehicle, I joined the traffic.

Almost back to my house, I turned a corner, only to slam on the brakes. The car swerved a little and a loud thud echoed through the vehicle.

Tears sprung to my eyes and my stomach leapt. My heart pounded so loudly I was surprised Mini couldn't hear it, who was running towards the car.

Scrambling from my seat, I rushed to the front of the car, where Daithi was laying.

Kneeling by his side, I put my fingers to his pulse without thinking. I was surprised though, when I felt one under my fingertips.

Daithi was alive.

Was he ok though? Normally being hit by a car wouldn't affect them, but if I could touch them and they felt it, what was to say they wouldn't feel me hitting them with a car?

"Calm down Luna"

Tears were now freely streaming down my face as I looked up to Mini, who stood beside me.

"Calm down? I just hit him with a car! He hasn't gotten up yet, don't you think that's odd?" I ranted, freaked out by the whole situation. "I could feel his pulse, he's alive" I added, staring at the funny looking person on the ground.

"You could feel it?"

Nodding, I bit my lip. What do we do?!

"Call him." I demanded, looking up to the suited man. "Make sure he's ok. He hasn't even typed yet"

"Ok" he said. Waiting a few seconds, I sat on my haunches, raising my hand to wipe some tears.

"He didn't answer"

(1033 words)

I took out the time difference cos I realised it worked better if the times matched.

I'm really feeling into writing at the moment, so I'm going to do multiple updates. It's the afternoon so I'll probably be doing them gradually over night.

For both this story and my other.

Sleep Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ