Part 6

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My heart was in my throat as the private jet lifted from the runway, my face glued to the window as my blue eyes watched the world shrink below me. Grinning like a madman, I looked across to SilentDroidd, sitting on the chair across from me, drinking champagne.

Grabbing my own flute of the bubbly liquid, I sipped at it as I eyed the city below. Night was beginning to fall so the lights shimmered on the cityscape, sunset lighting making the buildings glow a beautiful purple. 

I brushed stray hair back behind my ear as I softly smiled, taking another sip of my drink.

Looking across to the ocean, I watched as the waves reflected the vivid colours cast across the sky, feeling completely in awe, yet relaxed.

Despite the unrealistic situation, despite this being my second time flying, despite the fact that a pig was piloting the aircraft, with an owl co-pilot.

Turning my eyes to the inside of the plane, I looked across at Moo and Delirious, on the seats opposite. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through their mind.

They wouldn't be admiring the scenery like I was, they'd seen the visuals of the game through a screen many times. And there wasn't much for them to do inside the jet.

It must be super late there right? Will they have to sleep soon?

Frowning, I turned back to the window.

"You shouldn't frown, you look much nicer smiling"

Giggling at the abrupt break of silence, I turned to Droid with a small smile, blushing lightly.

"Thanks" the smile slowly started to fall as I thought through what to say next. "I was just wondering what happens when you guys sleep is all. It must be super late right?"

Sucking in a breath through my teeth, I finished off my champagne, toying with the glass to distract myself.

"We can do like a rotation right? One person stays on while others sleep and edit?"

Pursing my lips, I nodded slightly in reply, not looking up to him.

"Yeah, we can try to work out how to get you out of here, there's bound to be a way" Moo added reassuringly.

"I just, I don't want to mess with your schedules at all. I know you guys are super busy with YouTube" I said, making it obvious I was a fan, if it hadn't been already. Although, I still viewed them all as totally normal people. "I must have already ruined this gaming session right?" I suddenly remembered they were probably recording.

"Wait, do you come up in the recording?" Delirious quickly threw in, apparently only just remembering they were recording too.

Looking across, I shrugged. "Go check your footage?"

"I will. I think I'll crash too, I'm dead tired. Will message you guys on what's up" he said, character standing and moving toward the door.

"IM OFF TO BE AWESOME" he yelled, making me chuckle at the fact that the robotic voice had actually shouted it.

He flung himself from the door, and when it closed behind him, I moved across to where he had been sitting and looked out the window.

There were a few seconds where he was directly beneath the jet and I couldn't see him, but then as he got lower, he was again in sight. Laughing at the crazy man, I watched as he disappeared from the sky.

"H2O delirious has left the game" buzzed on my watch, making me glance down.

Prepared to wait in another silence for Delirious' feedback, I got comfortable in my new seat.

"So, you haven't given us your name"

Shocked at the fact they were willing to have a conversation with the strange girl that had apparently appeared in their game, my eyes widened a little at Moo.

"Uh, I'm Luna. I thought I'd mentioned" I bit my lip, shrugging a little"

"I like your name"

Smiling, I thanked Brock.

"So, where are you from?" He asked, clearly curious about me.

"Ah, I'm actually in Virginia, aha. But I'm from Australia"

"Oh cool! Delirious lives there. When did you move?" I nodded along, already knowing Delirious had lived here at some point. I didn't know he currently did till now though.

"Ah, I moved across when I was 19, I grew up in Australia"

"Oh, so you haven't been here long?" I hadn't mentioned my age, but I'm sure I looked fairly young.

"Yeah kinda, 5 years is a decent amount of time."

"Wait, you're 24?" Came from droid, who was clearly interested in the conversation too. Nodding at him, I replied.

"Is it not believable?" I said, smooshing my cheeks together into a silly face.

"You look younger is all" he said, and I accepted it as a compliment. It had annoyed me when I was a teenager, but now I hoped it stuck with me as I got older.

"I just got the message. Delirious says 'files corrupt', and that when he wakes up he's going to try to edit a heap, so he'll take shift tomorrow night if you haven't worked out how to get out of the game by then" Vanoss interrupted, relaying the information. Guilt swelled in my chest at the thought of ruining a full gaming session.

"I'm so sorry. I hope it's just bad luck he lost his video." Quickly realising the way it sounded, I rushed to correct my wording "not that I want him to have bad luck! Just that I don't want you to all have lost your footage because of me" I felt flustered, cutting off my rambling and putting my face in my hands.

"It's ok, we getcha" Vanoss said, comforting me. "I'm more worried about you being stuck in a game. I have other footage I'm currently editing" breathing out a breath of relief, I started rubbing at my head.

"I am tired though, we need to sort out what we're gonna do. We need sleep"

Petting my hair back down flat from where I'd probably messed it up, I glanced toward the cockpit.

"What about another friend? Just explain the situation? Or, make up a lie?"

"I'll make a group conversation, don't know if anyone will believe us."

Shrugging, I snuggled down into the seat.

"Hopefully they'll be curious enough to help out"

(1055 words)

Nothing too exciting, but there needs to be a little bit of down time in it, it can't all be action. Hopefully the visuals make up for it ;p

Sleep Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora