Part 17

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Lui and I were currently in a boat, bouncing off the waves as we crashed into them at a high pace. I was glad I didn't get seasick, because we were far out by this point. It was fairly early in the morning, and the sun was rising over the waves at the moment.

The salty air whipped my pony tail out behind me and the splashes from the waves left a salty sheet against my body. I had to blink against the splashes every now and then, and my tongue was coated in a gross salt taste, but nothing was stopping my loud laughs.

Lui was in the driver seat, looking around the oceans. He's decided today we were going to spend the entire day checking the water so we could cross off the vast area. Me, I was more focussed on trying to balance toward the back end of the boat.

Delirious' cost was sitting next to the monkey masked man, so I had something dry and warm to put on when the wind started getting to me. But for now, I was happy back here.

After a few hours, we approached a large boat, looking like a smallish cruise ship, and I smiled.

"Lui! Break time! Stop over there, I'll climb on, you can go make yourself lunch! Or, morning tea? It's like 9 right? I don't know. Go pee and get food!" I said, squealing a little as the boat abruptly turned and I almost fell off the side.

We came to a stop toward the back of the anchored boat, and I shook my wet arms off a lettle.

"Thank god you offered, I'm starving. I need Cheerios!"

I couldn't help but imagine that in his child voice, and I laughed.

"It's all good man, how much map have we covered?"

"We've been kinda lapping to make sure we didn't miss anything. We've got about half of the water fully covered though."

"No rifts in the sky, no spaceships, nothing" I said, pursing my lips.

"Nothing" he confirmed, and I shrugged half heartedly.

"All well. Go eat and pee and relax, I'll explore the boat. Leave your character in this though" I said, walking toward a ladder hanging from the back of the boat. The rungs weren't rusted and I was in awe of the simple thing. Any boat in real life would be rusty and covered in brown marks.

Laughing lightly at myself, I climbed up onto the boat. I'd been on this in game, and I knew it was empty and safe. Meaning, I also knew my way around. Heading straight to the pool, I stripped off my shirt and rolled up the pants as high as I could, then dropped into the cool depths.

If felt nice, the clear water washing the salt from my body immediately. I opened my mouth to wash my tongue and was surprised as I tasted the H2O. It wasn't chlorinated, or salty in the slightest. It tasted completely clean, as if it were filled with water from a mountain spring.

Surfacing, I cupped my hands and gratefully drank some. I wasn't hungry because if eaten a muesli bar I'd brought only a little while back. But, I'd forgotten completely about water. Stupid me, forgetting the main thing.

"I wonder if there's anything I can use to store this" I mumbled to myself, pulling my body onto the deck. I laid my shirt out to dry in the sun, before I went looking. Or, delirious' shirt? I don't know. I wish I had underwear though, these pants were retaining a lot of water.

Before I entered the inside part of the ship, I unrolled the pants legs and squeezed them off to the best of my ability, not willing to remove them to wring them out. Not while in a game with someone else around.

Walking through the rooms, I made my way to the bottom deck. While I couldn't find a bottle of anything, I did find a bucket, with a kid sitting under it. It'll have to do.

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