Part 18

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My legs were pulled up under me as I sat on the couch, staring at the window on the far wall. Instead of studying the darkening sky outside, I was staring intently at the grooves in the windows frame, blue eyes tracing the lines with bored curiosity.

I'd only woken up from a nap a short while ago, and to my surprise, my skin hadn't been in too much pain upon waking. There was a warmth radiating from the stinging areas, but nothing that wouldn't heal up in a day or two. Thank the lord for my skin not being the type to easily fry.

A buzz from my wrist caused me to jump slightly, knocking me from my daydreaming, before a smile spread across my cheeks. Glancing down confirmed what I expected.

"H2O Delirious has joined the game"

Jumping off the couch, I trotted off toward the bathroom to make sure my hair was presentable after my rest.

The air was a little crisp, but I still had the blue hoody on from when I was cold earlier, which I was thankful for. Tugging the sleeves down over my hands, I frowned when the watch buzzed again. Then again. And once more after that. As I was struggling to pull the sleeve back over the big nuisance, an unfamiliar tone came from it.

"Hello? This works?"

The tone wasn't one I'd heard come through the watch, yet there was a tug in the back of my mind, telling me I knew who it was. Drawing in my lip, I stopped to open the bathroom door, before finally pulling the sleeve up.

"Ohmwrecker has joined the game"

"BryceMcquaid has joined the game"

"CaRtOoNz has joined the game"

Oh, boy. Delirious had brought the group he said he was recording with. Not that I wasn't excited to meet the men, who I also watched a bit, I just wasn't expecting to be meeting more new people. Normally, I was an antisocial ball of awkward, I'd met more people in the past few days than I had in the past few months of my life.

Considering I couldn't reply to who I was assuming was Cartoonz, I simply dropped my arm and stepped up to the mirror. Breath in, breath out. Ok. Wait, I have to keep doing that. Rolling my eyes at my stupid self, I lifted my hands, petting down the flyaway hairs that had escaped the quick plait from before I'd fallen asleep. To my dissatisfaction, I'd discovered that just like the need to eat and drink, I also had all my usual hygiene needs. And my hair had needed a wash earlier, so I'd bought the works when I'd gotten my sunscreen. However because it'd been washed earlier, it wasn't staying in its plait very well.

Wish a sigh, I pulled the hair tie from my brown waves and grabbed a brush from a drawer.

Hearing a loud crash outside, I laughed quietly, heading to the front door as I continued to brush my long waves.

"Let us in!"

"Knock Knock!"

Pausing on the other side of the door instead of opening it, I called out;

"Whos there?"

A mixture of replies came back, but I focused on the voice who decided to humor me, clearly catching on to my silly little joke.

"Interrupting cow!"

I laughed quietly, knowing what was coming.

"Interrupting co-"


A grin made its way onto my face as little giggles tumbled out.

"Why, Bryce! Are you calling yourself a cow?" I said as I opened the door. To my delight, I'd guessed the person right, as in front of me was a character I'd never seen. Huh, had I really never seen a Bryce GTA? Had he uploaded any before? Clearly I needed to watch his things a bit more often.

I could just imagine his laughter, which made my giggles increase. Stepping out of the road, he moved into the house, three other people in tow.

"So, uh, Hi. I'm Luna" I started as they filed in, stopping near the couches.

"Oh, we know. Delirious had informed us all about you" Cartoonz said, causing my already warm cheeks to heat with a blush. Hopefully the burn hid it from them.

"Oh, really? Hopefully nothing bad" I said, as a splutter of denial came from the person in question.

"That depends what you consider bad" came in reply, dripping with cheekiness. I was sure at least one of them were wiggling their eyebrows. Waving my hand with a 'pshhh', I decided to change the topic.

"It's cool to meet you guys anyway, you're funny as hell. I try watch all of your videos. As you can imagine, it means I don't have much of a life" I chuckled, hoping they wouldn't react to my fan-ness awkwardly.

"Thank you, it's cool to meet anyone who enjoys out content. We appreciate all the support" Came from Ohm, and I turned to him.

"Of course! I'm kinda like the first fan to meet you right? That's weird." I said, before pulling a face. "I worded that badly. I mean like for me it's almost as if I'm talking with you face to face, instead of through interwebs" I smiled awkwardly, cracking my knuckles because of my nervous habit.

"Interwebz?" Asked Delirious before Ohm could send his reply. I held out a finger in his direction, not looking away from Ohm.

"Hush you. Yes, Interwebs." I said, nodding a little to Ohmie to continue.

"I mean, yeah I guess. To me you're on a screen so it's not the same for me." He sent, before a second message quickly followed it. "Although, I can easily say it's the weirdest way I've ever communicated with anyone, viewer or not" I almost snorted at that, but instead just laughed good naturedly.

"Cool enough for me" I said, poking my tongue out. Without thinking, I walked toward Delirious and slung my arm over his shoulder. "So, are you guys staying?"

A chorus of 'Yes' and 'Yup' followed, and I grinned, before looking to the crazy one beside me, who hadn't answered.

"Wouldn't ditch ya" He said, and for some odd reason, the tone of the message caused my cheeks to flush again. Oh wow, I'm a mess.

(1017 words)

Hey guys. Sorry for updates being so slow and shit. I'll try get a second update on this tonight and one on the other, but no promises. I'm really trying but I just can't write when I'm in such bad moods. I'm really sorry. Genuinely. And that they're all so boring or sucky.

But I do promise they'll both be completed, I'd never dream of leaving anyone hanging.

Sorry again.

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