Chapter 14: Neverland

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"Oh Peter everything is here just like in my stories! It's all real!" Wendy beamed, "this is better than Christmas!"

"I'd hope you'd like it!" Peter grinned cockily, hands on hips.

Wendy clasped her hands and twirled around, "This feels like a dream! Oh if only Michael and John could see it! How they'd love to see the pirates and the Indians!"

Peter scratched his head. He had an idea!

"If you want Wendy, I could bring them to Neverland too."

Wendy stopped spinning. "You would do that?" She questioned with a smile.

"Sure, if it would make you happy."

Wendy's face lit up, "Oh Peter that would make me so incredibly happy! I'd love to see their faces when they see Neverland! Would you please?"

Peter puffed his chest proudly. It was fun to play the hero. "Then it's settled! I will return and bring John and Michael to Neverland! Tink!"

Tinkerbell rolled her eyes. Finally someone noticed her.

"Take Wendy to the Hideout and keep her safe until I return."

Safe! Pah! That's the last think Tinkerbell wanted to do to Wendy. But she chimed in agreement.

Wendy stepped closer to Peter and placed a hand on his arm. "Do be careful Peter!"

Peter scoffed, "Me? I'm always careful! And besides I've got this!" He reached into his pouch and pulled out the silver thimble.

"My kiss!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Now, go with Tink, you can meet the lost boys! And I'll be back with John and Michael in no time! Tink some pixie dust for Wendy!"

Reluctantly Tink flew around Wendy showering her in dust. She sprinkled so much she made Wendy sneeze. The force of the sneeze caused Wendy to stumble backwards and almost off the cloud. Peter was quick enough to catch her, but it gave Tink a wonderfully evil idea.

"Hey no falling!" Peter joked as he steadied Wendy. Then leaping into the air he was off. Giving a final wave goodbye Peter flew back to the nursery to get John and Michael.


Wendy waved goodbye to Peter, she couldn't wait to see her brothers' excitement when they saw the island!

Turning around she tried to locate Tinkerbell, who had turned a light shade of red.

Tinkerbell was annoyed, no...she was angry! Or was she jealous? She was so small that she could only hold on to one emotion at a time. And none of them were very pleasant. Peter had left this big ugly blue thing with her. He had demanded that Tink was supposed to take her to the Lost Boys. And keep her safe?! Safe is the last place Tink wanted Wendy.

I can't believe Peter! What does he see in her anyway? Why'd he have to bring her here? Couldn't we just push her off the cloud and be done with her yet? That would be a good idea but the dumb thing can that won't work.

Tink was so deep in thought, it took a minute before she realized Wendy was speaking to her.

"...all so wonderful I can't hardly even believe I'm here! Well Tinkerbell will you take me to the Hide Out now?" Wendy asked sweetly.

Tink regarded Wendy with an exasperated expression.

Yes alright, let's go. She chimed.

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