~Not positive~

50 1 8

Jacob's P.O.V.

Pacing. From one wall of the white, modern bathroom of this hotel, to the other one which looked exactly the same apart from the mirror clutched to it and my hideous reflection showing in it.

Pacing around, that was all I had been doing since I had woken up from my terrible dreams.

I sighed and stepped over to the round object placed against the wall that with help of light and other physical theories made sure you could see images that played infront of it, so named reflections.

The only reflection I caught was my own though, the tiled wall only being the background of my terrible sight.

There was no mistaken in the dried up line of blood on my normally pinkish lips caused by the strength my teeth had sunk into my bottomlip with, or the fact my hair actually looked like I had run my fingers through it and pulled at the roots of it a thousand times already. Which I had. My body was dripping from sweat, my clothes sticking due the liquid to my body as if it was some gross brewage that nearly vacuumed the fabric to the hot skin.

As last you had my eyes. Deep, purple circles cringed underneath them. The brown colour of my iris had turned dull as my look was one filled with worry. Constantly they were shifting from one spot to another and I did never let my gaze falter, nor did I let it rest on one place for more than three seconds.

Not because it was impossible to shift every second and look at something else, but clearly I had just lost my focus. And instead of staring ahead of me, thinking about what was bugging me, I shifted around, hoping not to think about it and block it out.

I angrily turned around again, my hands getting a tight grip on the white marble that was shaped as a bowl.

I took one more look before my hand lifted itself up and ran through the mess of unruly hair that rested on top of my head.

No, as last you had more than my eyes. You had my cheeks, my nose, my whole face and maybe even further than that if the tears would have effected other places of my body.

I shouldn't worry as much, but it seemed that the further I had went away, she had too.

I sighed deeply and sank down to the floor that had a nice kind of warmth spreading around due to the heated pipes running underneath.

Yes logically, if I took a distance of 10 kilometres of someone, that person will at the same time have the same distance away from me. So yes, her being was just as far away from me as mine from hers.

But I felt as if my worry grew way too big for my liking. I had been such a f.uck up and she will now always remember me as one. And I wouldn't even care that I'm the bad guy honestly except for the fact I knew that she did. That behind her façade she kept to look strong, she was more fragile than one could imagine.

And piece by piece her care broke out, because of me. She cared about me and it engulfed us like- like a bubble until I decided to break the bubble. Pop it and leave the hole she created in her façade for me, wide open and unprotected; ready to get broken by anyone including herself.

This was my fault and I could not help but to worry about it. Yes there was guilt but I liked her very much and even if I didn't, she was in great danger too!

So many things could happen to her and I didn't even got a chance to tell her goodbye.

I remember last night when I came to my room after the dinner we had. Somehow excitement was pumping throuh my veins but as soon as I entered the now getting familiar room, it slowly faded away until my eyes landed on the rectangular object that stood open on the nightstand. I had jumped on my comfy bed and rolled a few times, laughing my excitement away before my fingers typed randomly on my keyboard to take the laptop out of it's standby-stand. My Skype was still on but there was no reply yet. I sighed and tried to refresh the page anyway. I was about to shut it down really, but it appeared that I did got a reply.

You okay, little miss? {A Jacob Skelton Fanfic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora