~English with French kisses~

390 13 7

09/04/13 Dedicated to @CurlyKitten cuz she has an awesome Jacob story as well and she kinda inspired me by updating, I wanted to update myself suddenly :) That and all your lovely comments and votes of course!! ;D xx Kinda short but yeahh...

Chapter 5: English with French kisses

Jacob's P.O.V

'Hey, ready?' I asked Lilly as I saw her walking next to Milo, both coming back from their lockers.

Me and Lilly only had English class and P.E. (which we hadn't got today) together so yeah.

She giggled at something Milo told her before looking at me.

'Ready?' She asked me.

'That's what I just asked you.' I shook my head chuckling.

'Oh sorry, I didn't hear you. I was listening to Milo.' She smiled.

'Oh.' I said acting nonchalant 'So what were you talking about?' I raised my eyebrows.

'Nothing.' She shrugged, I looked at Milo but he was just grinning at me.

'Um let's go then? Or do you want to stop at home first or something?'

'Yeah sure, let's go!' I flung my own backpack over my shoulder and followed them outside.

At a certain point we said goodbye to Milo as well cause he needed to go the other way as we crossed the intersection.

I lead Lilly to my frontdoor and I searched the key in my bagpack. As soon as I found it, I opened the door and let her in.

'You have a nice house.' She commented as she looked around.

'Thanks.' I said as I took my shoes off and waited for her as she was doing the same.

She followed me up the stairs as I went to my room.

I started looking for all my English lessons we already had while Lilly sat down on my bed.

'Aren't you just a cutie?' I heard her say and I turned around confused. I needed to hold back my laughter as I saw she was talking to my dog Spice... and not to me.

'Oh you're talking to Spice...' I smiled and then found the map I've been looking for.

'Here these are all the notes I made so far for English this year.' I handed her my notes in a neat map.

'Thanks.' She said as I sat down next to her.

'You can look it through if you want?' I said, not quite sure what to do now. She hadn't got her books yet so I couldn't really do something else could I? But that'd mean she'd need to leave again..

She turned around on my bed so she wasn't lying on her back anymore and I did the same. I watched as she carefully turned around the pages in my map. How her fingers softly touched the notes and then swiftly lift them first up to let gravity let them fall down again. How her gaze was glued on the words scrabbled over the documents. My thoughts got interrupted when she gasped and I saw her beautiful lips change position, making her mouth in an O-shape.

'You learn about William Shakespeare?' She smiled.

I nodded.

'So did you learn about Romeo and Julliet yet?'

'The teacher mentioned it already but we're gonna see it further in the year.' I smiled back at her. 'You like Shakespeare's work?'

'Yeah I'm not known with all his works.' She emphasized the word "all". 'Just a few but Romeo and Juillet is my absolute favorite.' She told me. 'It's like about this forbidden romance but it's just so beautiful!' She sighed. 'Sorry, kinda thought back of the story.' She smiled sheepishly.

'What's your favorite part?' I looked at her.

She bit her lip.

'That's hard cause it's just all amazing. I'll think over it.' She smiled again.

'Jacob?!' I heard my dad's voice rang from downstairs.

Me and Lilly both shot up, our heads of course bumping into each other.

'Aww.' She giggled as she rubbed her head.

I sat right infront of her, on my knees just like her.

'Sorry.' I apologized while looking her straight in the eye.

'I-it's okay.' She weakly smiled as she looked in too deep thoughts to smile fully. It still was a beautiful smile though.

I felt myself leaning in closer on her and when I noticed her closing her eyes, I did the same and pressed my lips gently against hers. She kissed me back almost immediately and I felt the softness and coolness of her lips against mine.

I couldn't help myself but let my tongue graze over her bottom lip. And she opened her mouth slightly, granting me access.

'Jacob?' My dad suddenly flung the door open and we broke apart. 'Oh um I'm sorry.' He looked around uncomfortable.

Lilly got carefully up from my bed and walked over to my dad, greeting him politely.

'I'll see you tomorrow Jacob. Bye!' She turned herself back to my dad. 'Bye Mr. Skelton, it was nice meeting you.'

As she wanted to walk out my room, she almost tripped over my other dog Pudding.

'Sorry Spice.' She giggles.

'That's Pudding.' I managed to say.

'Ohh you have two. Haha okay then. See you later!' And with that she dissappeared into the hallway. I remained sitting on my bed until I heard the frontdoor shut and I couldn't help but look through my window as she walked to her own house.

'Who's she?' My dad questioned with a hint of amusement.

'Lilly.' I almost breathed out. I could still feel my heart racing in my throat.

'Lilly huh? I see... We'll talk about this later. Now change out of your uniform.' He chuckled. 'If you're hungry you'll come down, kay?'And with that he closed the door.

I sat on my bed, thinking of what I just did. Just one thing was running through my head.

I kissed her.

Well not only that..

She kissed me back.

A/N: Sorry for the LATE update! But I all warned ya that I have exams AND needed to move the week after. I started writing this on just one day okay, so no hate :) It's now 5:28 AM I'm staying up all night just to write.. So it's prob crappy Sorry xx Ugh was I the only one who couldn't wait for a kiss?? Or was it just me? ;p If you read this boring notes of me, comment then with 'Peptobismol' ;p


hha you reach the comments faster than the votes, probably cause I comment back.. But okay then ;p

10 VOTES AND 8 COMMENTS ON THIS CHAPTER cuz it's quite a high mark xx



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