Chapter 4: Becoming Ravage

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(A/N: Hey guys, no words I can say can explain how sorry I am for the wait... None of my stories have been updated cause my little sister dropped my NetBook and I hadn't had the chapter saved... The screen cracked and everything screwed up. The DocManager deleted the chapters I had pre-written... Every. Single. Damn. Word. I'm so sorry, and hope you guys can forgive me for the wait. Until next time.)

Chapter 4:

Jack shook his head slowly as he looked up at the large Decepticon, denying the fact that he was really a Cybercat... Not liking the idea at all. "If I really am Ravage... Then why don't I remember anything?" He demanded as he tried to figure it all out, shaking his head vigorously, unable to believe what he was being told.

Soundwave slowly straightened and looked down at him from his much greater height. "During the war for Cybertron... Ravage attempted to attack Optimus Prime." The con looked down at him again now. "Something that was foolish... But Ravage was broken by the deaths of his siblings... Blinded by the need for revenge and his grief." He said, and Jack could've sworn he had heard his voice crack.

"But wait... Siblings?" Jack asked, disbelieving that he had attempted to attack and kill Optimus... The Prime he had come to know the past little while.

There was silence for several moments, the silence heavy and thick with memories that were resurfacing for the Decepticon communications chief. "Buzzsaw... Frenzy. Rumble." He finally said slowly as he turned his visored face away. "Soundwave couldn't protect them."

Silence once again fell, lingering for a long time as Jack wasn't able to find anything to say, unsure of what to do or ask now.

"Ravage tried to attack Optimus Prime... But Ratchet stabbed him through abdomen..." Soundwave was standing next to the human youth now, placing a long, lithe digit to the glass cylinder to trace along a long, jagged scar in the stomach of the deceased Cybercat's abdomen. "Ravage... Killed." The tall mech said slowly, pulling his servos away now and looking down at Jack. "But autobots deceived Soundwave." He said softly. "They put Ravage in his holoform, though there is still much that confuses me." The Decepticon admitted.

Jack shook his head slowly. Why wouldn't optimus have said something? Why wouldn't he have been told what was going on? That he was never a real human? It all made no sense whatsoever. He felt himself get picked up again and struggled a little even though he knew that it was useless. "Please put me down, Soundwave... Bring me back." He pleaded softly.

The youth's pleas were ignored as Soundwave brought him over to a berth and forced him to lie onto his back, before the large mech moved away, the human trying to get back to his feet when a bright blue stasis cuff, about the size of him, closed over his middle to keep him effectively pinned.

Tears filled Jack's eyes as he felt fear rise up in him, choking him, as he tried to figure out what to do as he watched the tall Decepticon walk over to the tank and type something into the controls, causing the tank to drain of it's strange, yellow liquid before it hissed open, Soundwave catching the body of the Cybercat before carrying it over to the youth and lying it down beside him.

"Soon... Everything will be normal again." Soundwave murmured in a nearly soothing tone to the frightened boy as he connected one of his tentacles over Ravage's diagnostics port, the other connecting to the human youth as he tried to discover the way to deactivate the holoform and send it back to it's host.

Jack felt nothing but cold fear within him as he felt that tentacle wrap around him, the feelers probing at his body as he thrashed as best he could beneath it. "Soundwave! Stop! There's nothing there! I'm human!" He cried, tears in his eyes.

"Distress is not needed... There will be no pain." Soundwave told him in a nearly comforting voice.

The black haired boy shook his head vigorously. "No! Soundwave, no matter what you do, I'm not him! I'm me, Jack Darby! You can't bring back what you have already lost!" He sobbed. "Please!" He begged once more, tears trickling down his face.

Soundwave's visor turned onto the boy, looking down at him, before reaching up and removing his visor so slowly that Jack thought time had frozen. He gasped when he saw the terrible burn scars surrounding Soundwave's mouth and optics before extending down his throat and beneath his chassis armour. "Wh-what...?"

The tall Decepticon stared at him through optics clouded over and very obviously useless... Jack looked up into the grayed optics that once had been dark purple. "Y-You're..."

"Blind? Yes. Deaf? Yes. Mute? Yes." Soundwave answered through recordings, just as he had been his whole life. "An explosion destroyed my optics and audio receptors, as well as my voice." He explained slowly. "But I was able to get them back through unusual means... So yes, you can always get back what you have lost... Always." He answered softly before his feelers over the two bodies found what he wanted, and he plugged into the two hidden ports, and Jack began to cry again as he felt as if he was being ripped out of his body, all of his memories, personality, feelings, emotions, were transferred through the tentacles and into the still body of the Cybercat...

Soundwave watched intently as a shudder seemed to pass through his eldest creation's frame and he felt a smile touched the burned lips as he watched as the Cybercat shifted before yellow optics were opened and a grumbling growl came from within the chassis. "Ravage..." Soundwave murmured as he reached out a servo and stroked the black helm as he used to do in earlier years. "My Ravage." He purred as Lazerbeak suddenly came alive on his chassis, squawking and shrieking when she felt a glimmer coming from one of her previously empty bonds, fluttering and jumping as he kept her locked on his chassis. She could sense the sudden glimmer in her sparkbond with her oldest sibling and was going insane with happiness.

Jack felt darkness and weak, but he then opened his yellow optics and felt something petting the top of his helm. He let out a soft mewl of fear and distress when he realized what had happened... He was Ravage! His helm shot up from between his paws and he tried to stand up. Everything was so different, and he felt so utterly helpless and weak as strong servos were placed on his back, forcing him down onto the berth. He trembled beneath the servos as the memories of his first life hit him... Hard.

He could hear screaming and the sounds of battle, he could see his two younger, mischievous siblings get shot and beheaded... He could see Buzzsaw being obliterated in the air by a missile... He could remember the utter emptiness that filled him from the suddenly lost sparkbonds with three of his siblings... He remembered charging Optimus Prime, then the flash of orange and white... the pain... The... He shook and continued whining, unable to actually cry as he felt servos gently caressing his body and then a body beside him, pulling him close as he was stroked and caressed and he found himself moving closer to the warmth of Soundwave... And he knew... Everything had changed.

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