Double Dates E

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(This is for boys. So. Don't judge.
Kinda dumb I feel the need to say that anyway. *sigh* Also, some imagines won't be (Y/n) it will just be a random name and some will have different POVS, yeah idk. Okay. Anyway. Back ground info. Ethan and Grayson are 22, Logan and Sidney are 21. Ethan and Logan are gay. Grayson and Sidney met through Ethan and Logan. Okay. Lit. Read.)

"Babe!" Ethan smiled as he pulled me into a hug as I stood at the front door with my bags in my hands.

I hugged back and smiled while leaning my head on his shoulder, breathing in his amazing scent.

"God, I missed you." He mumbled against my neck before pecking it with a small kiss then pulling away.

"I missed you more." I shyly said as I followed him into the house.

I set my bags down and closed the door behind me.

"Where's Grayson and Sidney?" I asked as I followed him to the kitchen.
"Um they should be-" He started before I head a door close downstairs.
A messy haired Sidney, with a miss buttoned shirt rushes down the stairs with Grayson whom also looks a little messy.

"Hmmmm. What were you two doing up there?" I joke, knowing they were probably mid-fuck.

"Shut up Logan." Grayson laughs as he pushes my shoulder.


After dinner we set up the living room for a giant couple sleep over. We all knew we were getting laid tonight, in one room or another. I wonder where Ethan wants to go this time?

We laid out giant comforters on the ground and tucked sheets behind the open square shaped couch that in lined the walls. It was the perfect couch for this. We set pillows up to the edges of the couch. Finally, the lights are off, the movies on and I'm cuddled in Ethan's lap, as he eats popcorn from the bowl in mine. Were watching a movie called "She's The Man."

It has Channing Tatum and a lot of soccer players with amazing cake so its one of my favorites.

Ethan set the popcorn bowl down off of my lap and grabbed my hips.

"Babe, I have to go pee." He smiled at me.

I smiled and blushed as I sat up and moved off of him.

He says babe in the cutest way. Its not like bay-b, its like, beb. I don't know but its so cute.

After I regretfully stuff my face with popcorn, he returns and sits down; instantly grabbing my hips and lifting me onto his lap.

I move around to get comfortable as he groans in appreciation.

"Babe." He struggles out. "Uh-dont move like that." He quietly moans into my ear.

I smirked and moved my ass around again before asking him innocently, "Why?", as I blinked.

He quickly looked over to Grayson and Sidney to see that they were full on making out in the dark corner of the pillow fort, on the other side of the floor. He looks back to me and clenches his jaw.

"Because." He paused as he grabbed me and moved me on his lap to face him completely. "I said." He whispered against my ear as he grabbed my ass.

"What's wrong, daddy?" I say quietly as I move my hips against his.

He chokes out whimpered moans as I smirk to myself.

"Logan." He whimpered. "Stop. Wait until after they go upstairs." He whined.

I stopped teasing and quickly turned around and got comfortable as quickly as I could, ignoring Ethan hard member pressed against my backside, as hard as it was to do.

Soon after, wide eyed Grayson was suddenly "tired" and coincidentally, so was lip biting Sidney. They soon rushed up the stairs. As they closed Grayson's bedroom door I turned to face Ethan.

"Well.." I pouted, rubbing my hand over his length.

"I can't take it anymore." He said as he grabbed me and lifted me off the ground as he stood up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me to the couch.

Its going to be a great night.

(This has to be my mcfucking favorite. I'm.)

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