Chapter 4

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(Two years later)

I woke up to the song Little Do You Know blasting in my ear. I quickly grabbed my phone and shut it off. I loved the song but no one wants music blasting in their ears at six in the morning.

Even though I got up at six every morning since I got here five years ago, I was still not used to it. My body begged me to go back to bed and sleep, but I knew I couldn't.

My body was still aching from the injuries I got from sparing with Ryan. Not only was I injured, but my pride was also injured. I took pride in being undefeated by everyone except Ryan, but I was too proud of Ryan to continue to be angry with him.

He beat my ass but I wasn't angry. I would be angry if he didn't beat me. I mean he didn't deserve to be the Alpha if he couldn't simply beat a human. I took pride in Ryan any time he beat someone no matter who it was, myself included.

Once I shut the music off, I got up making my bed. I went into my closet to get my clothes for the day. I grabbed black boy shorts and a black sports bra pairing it with black leggings. All black, just like my soul or heart, but in reality, it was just because it made me look slimmer. 

I undressed and dressed in the clothes I picked. I unplugged my phone from the charger and picked it up from where it lay on my bedside table. With my phone in hand, I left my room only stopping to grab my speaker.

I would usually grab my earplugs too, but today I knew that we were going to spend a lot of time running. I went down the main stairs of the packed house and entered the kitchen.

Knowing I missed breakfast, since it was six-thirty and breakfast was at six, I immediately went to grab a piece of leftover toast. I ate the piece of toast as I walked outside. I walked a couple of minutes until I reached the huge empty field where our training takes place. When I arrived, I saw Victor already there warming everyone up.

Victor was a head warrior alongside me. We worked together to strengthen both the animal side and the human side of everyone who was in the pack. At first, it was weird and difficult to have two head warriors but over time we learned to work together to better the pack. But what continued to be difficult was trying to explain that there were two head warriors in our pack when we went to other packs.

They didn't understand how there were two and they would continue to be confused until we thoroughly explained it to them. It was even weird for our pack, that was until I proved myself worthy of the title when I fought Evan Wilson, the beta of the pack, and won.

I stood at the edge of the field, staring at the pack as they trained. I glanced over all of them looking to see what needed to be worked on and who needed a little more help. All of a sudden, everyone stopped and turned towards me, finally sensing that I was here. Everyone had their head bowed and their neck bared towards me.

I shook my head at them still finding it funny how they all showed me respect the werewolf way, even though I was a human. I signaled for them to continue their activities. They continued after my signal. I have constantly told everyone that they did not need to do that.

First, because I wasn't a werewolf. Second, they were a part of my pack, we were equals and they shouldn't treat me like I was above them. However, they never listen to me. They constantly showed me the respect they think I deserved.

I stood there for a second taking in this pack. I stared at them and knew that this was where I belonged. This wasn't just a pack, this was family to me.

I knew that nothing could take me away from my family and that nothing would, I wouldn't allow it. This pack changed me for the better and I would do everything in my power to make this pack stronger and better.

I joined this pack because I lost myself and didn't know anything else. But while I was here, I found myself again.

This pack saved me. 

They took a scared little girl and turned her into a feared, strong, independent woman.

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