~Idea Givers~

169 12 2

Your job will be to supply us with ideas. Since it's a different kind of "job", this will not count as one of your two job limit. 

It can be ideas for contests, ways so improve our books, ideas for our future Watty, or better ways to run the account as a whole.

You will work closely with the admins, interacting daily with them on the group chat to grasp a better insight of this account. Ino (BoonoonaBread) will be watching over this job.

Note that we can decline your request to join if your writing is not up to our standards.

Two places:

(Note: All places are currently taken!)

📚Yome - TAKEN

📚Pakura - TAKEN





Best written work yet:

Why you want to be part of this community?:

How often are you on Wattpad?:


How many episodes/chapter have you watched/read from the anime/manga?:

Are you part of any other communities?:

If you are excepted, please send your best-written work's title to us through Direct Messages.

¡Tag three people who would be interested in this!

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