~Kunoichi Classes~

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For Kunoichi Classes, we will have teachers assigned to teach our readers certain subjects! These will be Japanese culture, fighting styles, Naruto plot, and fanfiction principles.

Each kunoichi will be assigned one to teach, and we will consider hiring based on knowledge of what is being applied for.

Hinata (OrngMermaid) will be your admin head and look over your work.

Please note that we can decline your request to join if your knowledge on the subject you are applying for is not up to our standards.

There will be four places:

(Note: All places are currently taken!)

💯 Princess  Gale- (TAKEN) Our Japanese Culture Sensei, who will be in charge of teaching things such as architecture, common mannerisms, etiquette, and much more! 

💯 Chocho - (TAKEN) Our Fighting Styles Sensei will teach everything about Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Juinjutsu, Senjutsu, Dojutso, Kekkei Genkai, and even specialized techniques! This sensei is not limited to any fighting. If it involves fighting or weapons, Chocho will teach it!

💯 Himawari - (TAKEN) Our Naruto Plot Sensei will teach plot from the beginning to the end of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, facts about characters found throughout the story, and other facts that can be learned from watching the anime or reading the manga!

💯 Sarada - (TAKEN) Our Fanfiction Principles Sensei will lecture students on overused plots, Mary Sue characteristics, characteristics of canon characters, and more!





How knowledgeable are you on the subject you are applying to?

Do you have any experience in the subject you are applying for? If so, explain.

How far have you read/watched in the manga/anime?

(Only answer if applying for Sarada) List ten characteristics of a Mary Sue that you have noticed from reading fanfiction.

(Only answer if applying for Himawari) List three plot points that you have noticed are commonly ignored or forgotten in fanfiction.

(Only answer if applying for Chocho) List five fighting flaws you have come across in fanfiction.

(Only answer if applying for Princess Gale) List ten cultural mess-ups you see in fanfiction.

Why do you want to be a part of this community?

How often are you on Wattpad?


Are you a part of any other communities?

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