Fixing the Heart

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Sometimes I'm too weak
to put my heart back together,
I just leave the shards on the floor;
blood and all.
I leave it there to stain the carpet
and seep deeper into the floor
hoping that somehow the pain will
seep with it.
I do my best to forget
everything that cause this regret,
to leave the past where it is
and detach myself from every moment.
For life has taught me
that living only brings more pain,
and I am too afraid of death
to do anything but live.
So I remind myself to breathe
and teach myself how to walk again,
focus only on placing my footsteps
in the proper order,
reinvent being human.
And in relearning the lesson of giving honest confessions I begin to feel a little spark of something.
And when I look down at the carpet again,
I find that the stain is still there
but the pieces of my heart are gone.
It is then that I learn the greatest lesson of all.
The heart does not need me to fix it,
for in being left along it can fix itself.

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