Love Is The Sky and Sea and In Between

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Love is the sky,
vast and undiscovered
Waiting for someone other than
everyone else to chart the course of you,
to uncover the secrets you hold
and to be amazed by the beauty they unfold.

Love is the sea,
deep, dark, and dangerous,
Holds such traitorous waves and behaves
in ways that cannot be predicted.
Can depict a calm that does not reveal the chaos underneath,
watch the sea breath and know
that it is how love is.
Boundless, and untamed in its execution
and yet a beauty that cannot be ignored.

Love is everything in between the sea and sky,
Everything that can be taken up by you and I. Love is what the stars shine for
in the night sky,
and what the moon waxes and wanes to.
Love is what we see in the sea as its waves rise to reach the moon,
always realizing that it will never succeed
and yet never giving up on the dream
that maybe one day it will finally rise
and kiss the moonbeams.
So when you love,
let the sea guide you to the sky
and its light to beyond the stars.

A/N: I have no idea if this makes sense, but it's really late and this is what came out. Hope you all have had a good week so far.

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