A Small Reminder

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A stranger offered to throw my trash away
at Starbucks yesterday and I can honestly say that it made the sun shine a little brighter
for the rest of the day.
And I was reminded that
it is the really little things in life that
make it so much more worth living.
If you want to make me smile,
genuine as a child,
then do little things.
I am not hard to please,
just a smile will do.
A "hello, how are you?"
and you actually remain still long enough
to hear my answer.
Ask me my favorite color before you ask
what I'm doing with my life,
Let me to look up at the clouds
and tell you what I see,
Give me a hug that lets me know that
you mean business.
Stop talking about beauty and show me some, for there is nothing I like more
than being shown something beautiful.
Let's have a real heart to heart
on some deep level stuff and then go out
and act like fools when we're done.
Let's just link arms and walk like we know where we we going.
Sing me a song,
or write me a poem,
I'll love it just because it came from you.
Just be with me in this moment,
and let's cherish the smallest bits of beauty
in the world before they disappear
with a blink of our eyes.
Smiles at a stranger you pass
and make the sunshine last a little longer.

She Follows the Birds to Freedom حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن