The Day and Its Troubles

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The day and its troubles will bring
whatever it can
to crush the very soul of a man,
Watch as the weight of his
world simply doubles,
and he's crushed by the badgering
of the Devil's hand.
He retires to what ever
form of rest he can muster,
he knows that slumber is a thing obsolete ,
but he closes his eyes, the illusion complete, but he's awake from the sound of his pounding heartbeat.
He counts them and wonders how much more it can stand,
all the pushing and pumping
just to keep him standing and living for the day and it's troubles.
He feels the pulse down to his fingertips
and witnesses the breath escape from his lips, it's cold here,
and he doesn't know what's worse,
the day may bring its troubles
but the night brings its woes.
He lies there watching the size of his foes grow as he gets smaller and smaller,
The terror that they will consume him causes his heart to worry
which causes his fingers to tingle,
his throat becomes a chimney,
pillar of smoke rising from the house,
keeping nothing warm.
Listen to me,
I tell you the story of many.
There are people who wish they could live life, but do not know if it is worth living,
for if it is to be like this,
Is it worth the effort I'm giving?
The man does not sleep,
he just breathes through the woes of the night, wakes up to the troubles of day,
he is used to this cycle.
At least that's what they say.

I just want to thank all of you reading for your support. It really means a lot to me and I cannot thank you enough. Your comments are what keep me writing and smiling. I wish I could give you all a hug but I hope this virtual one will do!


September Kemp❤️

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