She Follows the Birds to Freedom

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"If there are any reasons for the birds to sing, when they are kept in cages,
Let them teach me the words and I'll write them on the pages."
For she knew that songs set the soul free
no matter where the body may be.
"I have gotten so used to the idea of death
that dying would be a relief,
an excuse not to worry about life.
So let the birds teach me their songs of hope,
because I do not want to die."
She understood that even death
brought its own problems,
And she knew she would never
be able to solve them.
But life is harder than death,
breathing harder than not,
Seeing easier than believing,
Faith cannot be bought.
"I see the world from inside out and the people do not seem to be happy free.
I watch them follow other men into captivity.
They who are free seem to eager for cages
they enslave themselves to whatever they find.
The follow follow stars to daring heights,
they follow dreams of mine."
Where does freedom come from?
Where does it go when it's gone?
Can it be coaxed right back to me
with a little bird's sweet song?
Is that why the caged bird sings,
is that why they persist?
Does melody coax a shy, tired freedom
back to where it is missed?
Freedom must be exhausted
flying from place to place,
hearing all the songs of those who seek its face.
All the chains it's broken,
just to have more form,
What is even freedom
when only slaves are born?
"Let men follow their idols on,
let them find their chains,
For while they sing of dazzling futures,
I will sing of change.
And I know that I will find more troubles,
But no matter how I meet them,
The chains will have no hold on me,
For I follow the birds to freedom."


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