Farewell Friend, Till We Meet Again

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If there was anyone that I could talk to 

I thought it would be you. 

You were a ready ear and steady heart 

who knew my every feeling from the start, 

But something changed, either you or me, 

Or maybe we both did at the same time 

and now you are no longer steady. 

I don't know what happened, or how it got this way, 

but you no longer are in my thoughts every day like you used to be. 

I know I changed for the worse, I am far more cautious now, 

I could never trust another person like I trusted you. 

And yet for all those times that we were together, 

all the times we swore we would be inseparable,

 all the secrets that we kept locked safely between us, 

all the promises that we made and kept,

I cannot help wondering if maybe all of this is as it should be. 

That is ending was inevitable because change is inevitable 

and we are different people now. 

Those promises were made by happy people, 

those secrets were harmless ones that could not hurt us, 

those times were free of sorrow or the weight of life,

 we were free people then. 

We should have been stronger for each others sake,

 but for my part strong is not something I have always been, you knew that. 

But it is okay, because I have learned to be strong without you.

I have learned to live without your smiles, 

and the reassurance that you will always be there waiting. 

I have learned to move on without the warm embraces 

and eyes that I knew better than myself. 

I have found a way to look into a crowd and not search for you,

 to not see the eyes that could see exactly what I was thinking. 

I miss you, my dear. 

I miss passing notes in class and trying not to laugh at the jokes you would send, 

I miss the fact that we could make the world feel left out by just looking at each other. 

We spoke our own special language you and I, 

and I have not forgotten it. 

And I know that I will never find another person who speaks it as well as you do. 

But this is how it is now and I have to live on. 

So farewell, my friend, perhaps we will meet again, 

after change has made us different people once more. 


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