I Named the Moonlight Lonely

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I named the moonlight Lonely,
Its presence comes alone on the wings of night, it is quiet and it shimmers,
glitters on the glass and passes through the window to watch me sleep.
But is surprised to find my pillow wet
and my back my bent over words
trying to keep them from leaving me.
I named the moonlight Lonely,
for only I seem to notice it's solitary voyage across the night sky,
I see its path as it glides before my eyes, surrounded by a million stars
and yet alone with its task.
I named the moonlight as lonely as I am,
for the moon's beams are reaching for me looking for company during the night, someone who just might whispers to it
and tell it stories.
To make the darkness feel a little less like isolation and more like a secret invitation
to a world far away.
I tell the moon stories every night,
and it listens every time.
And I find that the silence of words
and its gentle light is a nice change
from loneliness.

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