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Meanwhile at hanuel's room.
Mrs. Lee took some things for hanuel before they left to the hospital to visit her. She saw a picture of hanuel and Jihoon hanging on the wall. She took the picture down and remembered the two look lovely together. She always wanted her to marry jihoon but in her condition, it is too bad that hanuel lost her memories about jihoon. She actually plan everything for hanuel and Jihoon with jihoon's mom but everything destroyed. Now her only plan is to let her remember everything hanuel childhood.

She put back the picture and put her dairy on her table. She took the things and went out of her room.

Dino's P.O.V
We woke up early in the morning except for jihoon hyung and went out to have breakfast. We have to spend our time practice our dance move because of our debut.

"Hyung, what time is it now? " Vernon hyung ask.

"It is 6am now" Joshua hyung said.

See I told you it is early. I don't think it is early. Shut up.

"Kids, I received a call from manager hyung that we need to have a meeting. So please eat faster later." S.coups hyung said.

"Araso" everyone replied.

Haih. Idol and trainee life will be hard. I wonder how is noona. I took my phone out and look if anyone watches. I start type in the message

To: noona
Noona! How are you? Hope you will get well soon! If you get well soon please treat me ice cream!

I quickly press the send button and put my phone back to my pocket. We have rules "Don't play phone in the car" whoops I broke the first rule in the car. We have a lot of rules in the car .

We are heading to Mc Donald's to have breakfast.

"We are here guys. Let's go!" S.coups hyung said.

Hanuel's P.O.V
After calling mom I look at the time. It is just 6 am.

"Did I wake jihoon early?" I thought

I received a message from dino.

From: DINOsour
Noona! How are you? Hope you will get well soon! If you get well soon please treat me ice cream!

I smile at the message that he send.

"What are you smiling at?" Jihoon ask while walking out of the bathroom.

"Nothing" I said.

Jihoon then sit on the chair and took his phone and type on his phone.

Just then there is a knock on the door. The door slide open. I thought it was mom at first but just let's forget it. It was the nurse.

"Ah, I see that you are wide awake. I will go and call the doctor now" the nurse said and went out.

Just then mom came.

"Hanuel, are you okay? " mom ask but the doctors knock the door and open the door.

"Ah seems that you are awake. We need to have the operation as fast as possible. Is that okay?" The doctor said.

"Ah. Okay." My mom said

"I will give you time to have a talk" the doctors said.

" emmoni, I will be heading out now. My members are waiting for me. Get well soon hanuel. Bye" He said taking his jacket and went out.

"Hanuel ah, I think it is time to tell you one thing" my mom said.

"What is it? " I ask.

"Your father and I actually arrange you a marriage for you when you were young. Your father and I see you in this condition and we decided to have a partner taking care of you since we will be away for months or maybe years." My mom said.

"But mom, I am too young for a marriage " I said.

"Hanuel, he is the perfect match for you." My mom said.

" Araso" I said.

"Your father cancelled all your schedules for you to recover for the operation. After you recovery gets well we will start the marriage contract for you. Just take care if your health. Your father and I will take care of the marriage for you. Okay?" My mom ask

"Okay mom" I said

Just then the nurses open the door.

"The operation room is ready. Are you ready?" The nurse ask.

"Yea" my mom said then the nurse push my bed to the operation room.

My mom's shadow slowly fade until I can't see her.

I was wondering would it go successfully?


Hi guys!!! Sorry for the book hiatus but I am going to update this book if I have ideas. Anyways, I won't delete this book for your infomation. And as what I say this book will have a book 2 and it is happening but not so soon. Thank you for having patience with me. Thank you very much 🙇

friendship equals to relationship (Seventeen Woozi Fanfic)[hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now