13. stalker [edited]

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"How come you got a crush and I don't have" I said then sigh.

Momo's P.O.V
What? Did I heard wrong? Hanuel doesn't have a crush. There are a lot of hot boys in the compound but she doesn't like them? I should help her but who should I introduce her? Bam bam? Nah he likes someone. Who then? I will help her as soon as possible.

"Hanuel, let's walk around the school compound later after lunch. I did not bring you around the compound yet" I said.

"Sure" She said then the teacher came in.

The teacher started the lesson and we listen.

The bell rings a few minutes later.

"Come on hanuel." I said then pull her.

I pull her to the cafeteria, we took our food and sit with my band mates.

"Anyeong" Hanuel said.

"Anyeong unnie" the younger ones said.

We sit down and eat. After that they went to the basketball court happily while we walk around the compound.

While walking we share jokes. We walk near the library, I saw yugyuem with bam bam. They walk towards us.

"Anyeong. Momo unnie hanuel unnie" Yugyuem said.

"Anyeong " Bam bam said.

"Anyeong bam bam yugyuem. Oh hanuel, thus is bam and yugyuem. Yugyuem,bam bam, this is hanuel." I said.

"Oh, nice to meet you" Hanuel said.

"You too noona" Bam bam said then smile to her.

"You goes are walking around? " Yugyuem ask.

"Yea. Want to join?" I ask.

"Um. No noona we have practice to go. Bye noona see you later noona." Bam bam said then pull yugyuem away.

"Is that your crush?" Hanuel ask.

"Yea" I said.

"He is younger than you?" She ask

"Yea" I said while we walk.

"He is handsome tho. Don't worry I won't steal" She said.

"I know."I said then laugh.

We laugh and we reach the basketball court. We saw the girl cheering for their crush. We walk nearer to them.

"Omo. That new kid is cool." Dahyun said.

"Don't say you change your mind" Chaeyoung said.

"I change my mind lots of time. How can I choose one of them. They are all handsome." Dahyun said then we giggle.

Hanuel look who it is. She was happy and pull me where they gathered. They were resting.

"Dino!" She shouted.

"Noona!" The kid shouted back. It was her brother dino. He is cute like what Dahyun said.

"Don't hug me you little kiddo. Your sweating" She said then dino back away. I giggle at their brother and sister act.

"Hanuel" they all shouted and run towards us. I mean her

"Don't touch me. If not you earn a slap from me." She said then they back off.

"How about this noona " dino said then he use his index finger and touch her hand in one second.

"You this little sh-"

friendship equals to relationship (Seventeen Woozi Fanfic)[hiatus]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя