22. A sudden panic

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We reached the mall. Jin young oppa pay the driver. After that we went in the mall

"So what do you want to go first? My treat." He said.

"Let's eat first. I'm starving" I said while rubbing my tummy.

We walk to the restaurant and eat. After eating we walk to H&M.

"I choose the outfits for you and you choose outfits for me." Jin young oppa said.

"Deal" I said.

"Meet at the fitting room after 10 minutes" jin young oppa shouted and run towards the female corner.

I walk towards the male corner and started to pick outfits. After 10 minutes, I brought the outfits to the fitting room. I pick a few of nice outfits like 5. When I was walking to the fitting room, I saw jinyoung oppa. He brought 2 outfits because he doesn't have fashion sense. ( don't tell him if not I will be kill).

Dino's P.O.V
We are now at home after the meeting with the CEO. I had already taken my bath and now I am lying on my bed.

Jihoon hyung and noona are taking the shoot. I am watching them, everytime the camera man ask jihoon to do everything or any movement for the shoot, noona has headache. Jihoon hyung ask her is she okay, and she say she's fine.

Until the camera men ask jihoon and noona to pretent they almost kiss each other. I noticed noona almost fainted but regain her energy back. She looks pale then before but no one noticed except me.

End of flashback~
I was thinking that is she gaining her memories? I stop thinking until there is a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

The door open and reveal hoshi hyung.

"Hyung, why are you here?" I ask.

He didn't answer. He close the door and sit beside me.

"I noticed hanuel is very pale when she had the shoot with jihoon." Hoshi ask." Is there anything happen to her?"

I am not the only who had noticed it but hoshi hyung too.

"Well, hyung. Noona has been a car crash before and she lost her memories. The doctor said that she can't gain her memories back again. While I watch them taking the shoot. I think the doctor was wrong. Maybe noona is gaining her memories. All the movement that the camera men ask them do are the same as the movement like last time." I explain.

Hoshi hyung was shock at first but now he is thinking.

"Hyung, what are you thinking?" I ask.

"Hmm... my uncle is a neurologist in the biggest hospital in Seoul. I could help ask for a check up for hanuel." Hoshi hyung said.

"I don't know if eomma agrees but I could ask about it. Thank hyung for the offer." I said.

"Welcome. Actually I was wondering did you saw Mingyu? He is a bit weird these days." Hoshi hyung ask.

I have also thinking about Mingyu hyung too. At the shoot he is just sitting down looking at one direction.

"Oh, I am going to meet woozi. Need to take the copy of the song. Dino, could you help me with the cheography" Hoshi hyung ask

"Sure. Noona can help too " I said.

"Oh okay. I am going now bye" Hoshi hyung said and walk out.

I lay on my bed again and close my eyes. Is noona really okay?

Woozi P.O.V
"Okay, both of you hug each other. Hanuel look at the tree there and Jihoon close your eyes like you feel happy." The camera man said.

friendship equals to relationship (Seventeen Woozi Fanfic)[hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now