Manik was happy and relaxed that she had her lunch and was teasing and romancing with her over the phone, when his landline phone rang.

"hello" manik answered the landline but didn't hung up on nandini and asked her to wait.

"sir MD sir, wants you in his cabin , right now" informed his secretary.

"ok i will be there" manik answered and put the receiver down.

"sorry, jaan , dad has called me ..i have to go now" he apologised to nandini.

"ha ha ok..i have some work too"

"ok then i will be there at 6 at your office...we will go to collect the reports" he informed.

"yeah ok...bye...i love you"

"love you loads! Jaan...bye"


"sir, you called me??" manik asked maan.

"yes, manik...i wanted to discuss something...come have a seat" he offered him to sit on the couch and he too sat comfortably on the opposite couch.

"yes sir??" manik asked him to speak.

"this is informal talk me dad"

"ok dad" manik said with a grin.

"actually..beta ..this thought crossed my mind today and i wanted to share it with you..." maan began speaking and manik listened carefully " now that you are settled and mukti will get married and leave the house next month, i feel your mother will be left alone and i don't want her to feel lonely. She has sacrificed so much all these years and i have also not given her proper time as i am always busy handling the i was thinking of taking retirement." Maan paused for manik to react , to hear if he had something to say. Manik was taken by surprise and in his heart he felt helpless. He knew what it meant , if maan retires whole of the burden will come on manik's shoulders. Had nandini not been pregnant, this wouldn't have been that big a problem. Yet he covered up his inner turmoil, and smiled warmly for maan. Manik knew maan needs this retirement. His mom too needs her husband's companionship at this age.

"that's a wonderful decision dad. In fact i was thinking after you retire i would send you and mom on your second honeymoon!" manik said and laughed while maan smacked his head playfully.

"since you agree, the process of my retirement will only start when i acquaint you with this business world. The ministers, politicians, judges, advocates, foreign associates, and many others, you will have to meet them all and establish camaraderie with them. Till now they trusted my name but now they will recognise malhotra empire with your name. So are you ready son??" maan asked enthusiastically. Manik nodded eagerly.


Same time on the other side

"ma'm the HR department has mailed you the details which you had asked for" the employee informed nandini.

"ok..i will call you in an hour after going through the mails. You may leave now" she answered and he left.

After studying the performance evaluation report and other personal details nandini called up the same employee.

"send mahi rajput in" she ordered and hung up.

Few minutes later a woman in her late 30's knocked on the door and nandini let her in.

"so mahi, after going through all the details i have selected you to work with me. in the next 3-4 months you will work exclusively with me and learn the art. After that you will get to handle projects independently on my behalf. But i want this information to be between you and me till i tell you otherwise. Do you get it??"

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt