"Are you going back there by yourself?" Hannah asked me.

"I guess." I said as I grabbed my purse and my Yeti. "I'll text y'all if I need to."

I walked to the nurse who had turned around and was walking down the hall. She turned into a room and put my file in the holder on the outside of the door.

"Take a seat, Ms. Forrest." The nurse said.

I sat down on the examining table. The nurse then proceeded to check my vitals and everything, something I knew all too well. When the nurse was through, she picked up her clipboard and pen and started talking to me.

"So you think you're pregnant, huh?" The nurse smiled.

"Yes, I really do. I haven't had a period in two months, and I took three pregnancy tests and they all came out positive." I told her.

"Okay." The nurse said. "How are you feeling? Anything different than it would be otherwise?"

I thought for a second. "Not really. I've been keeping busy a lot. I have been going to the bathroom a lot, and I'm always really tired at the end of the day, but I think that's just because I cook, and clean, and do a bunch of other things."

"More frequent bathroom breaks and fatigue are early signs of pregnancy."

I shook my head and smiled. "I should know that. I'm a nurse, too."

"Oh, you are?" She smiled.

"Yes." I smiled. "But I don't work. Well, I'm the nurse at a mine in the Yukon, but nothing really happens. I just cook, clean, and do books most of the time."

"Sounds fun." She smiled. "Now when do you think that you got pregnant?"

"Um...I'm pretty sure that it was March 19. I'm almost positive."

"Okay, so you would be around two months along. Sounds about right. Just to be sure, we're going to do a test here, and then if it is positive, we'll go from there, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." She said as she walked out of the room.


"Well, Ms. Forrest, the test is positive." My doctor, a middle-aged woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, said as she was standing in front of me in the room.

I nodded and smiled.

"You are eight weeks along, which means you are two months. Now, because your mother had a few complications during pregnancy, that does put you at risk. However, seeing as you are almost in your second trimester and you haven't had any problems, I feel like you and your baby are going to be just fine."

"I hope so." I said.

"That being said, we are going to start the ultrasounds a little bit earlier than we would a woman that isn't at risk. When you come back next month, in four weeks, we're going to do your first ultrasound. From then on, we'll do ultrasounds every four weeks along with your checkups. And if you feel anything that you think is out of the ordinary for pregnancy, you should call here."

"Okay, I will."

"How far do you live from a hospital?" The doctor asked me.

"Well, as of right now, quite a ways. I'm living in the Yukon with my boyfriend for the summer. It would take a few hours to get to the hospital from where we stay at the mine."

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