Chapter5~ Unplesent Wake up

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        I woke up in the most unpleasant way that I'd experienced so far in my 15 years of life. The door that I was leaning on was pushed open with such great force that I fell forward landing flat on my face! I scrabbled away from the door as Hook and a filthy boy whom I had never seen before came in. I stood up and got out of their way as they walked towards the back of the small storage room. And Hook using..... yes his hook picked up what looked to be a boy huddled in a corner. How had I not seen him? I thought to myself.
        Hook handed the boy over to the other boy (the filthy one) and they left the room but as they left I was able to catch a look and the boy that was being taken's face it showed looks of betrayal?
        I looked up from my thoughts to see that they were gone. I ran out of the now opened storage room door to see that it was dark out the same blonde haired dirty boy was standing on the side of the ship but where was the other boy? "You have the boy.... he will be pleased?" Hook asked him. but the boy didn't answer he just jumped off the ship and on to the ship on to what I assumed to be a row boat. The whole ship seemed to hold it's breath until the little row boat was out of sight then Hook turned to me "Where were you all day?"
        "Sorry we were locked in the storage room I banged on the door and called for help but no one came so I accidently fell asleep." I explained.
        "That's no excuse!" Hook yelled "No dinner for you and you have night watch." he said wickedly. Ok someone's in a bad mood I thought to myself. 
        When most of the crew had already gone to bed Hook motioned me over before he headed to bed himself "Here" he said handing me a dagger "do you know how to use one of these?" he asked me I nodded. I was more than familiar with this sort of weapon in a city like the one me and my mother lived in it was always best to carry a weapon while in the market place all sorts of shifty people hung out there. "Good then you'll know how to use it." and with that he left Kia and I to guard the ship from any thieves or dangers of the island so yet again it was going to be a long night. 

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