December 1st

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Hi, It's Goten.

Today marks the first day of my experiment. I want to record all that happens each day in order to remember how happy I am during this time of the year. I want to also use this as something to look back on to see what, if anything, makes me the most happy.

So, I guess I should start off with what happened today. It was a normal day actually, I was at school like every other day. The only good thing about going to that awful institution is that my best friend goes there.

I made it through the  day with no incident, except for a little dispute I had to resolve at the end of the day. See, I'm the school's kingpin. I know everything about everyone and I'm often used to settle fights, or let a secret "slip" here and there. There is one person I will always take the side of though, and that's Trunks Briefs, my best friend.

Trunks is what many would call perfection. He is a beautiful caramel tan all year long, his piercing blue eyes are long sought after, his physique is better than most body builders, and his smile and laugh make him irresistible to most of the girls in our school.

I myself have found myself staring from time to time. I of course have to look away to keep my feelings from rising to the surface and spilling out. I don't want him knowing I'm checking him out.

Anyways, back to the argument I had to help settle. One guy was accusing his best friend of sleeping with his girlfriend, while the best friend was denying it. Obviously, I have connections, and people usually tell me things when I ask, so I texted one of my insiders and told them to ask the girl in question. I got a response almost immediately saying she had cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend. So I told them the info I received which resulted in the first guy starting a fight with his now ex-best friend.

"Goten!" I hear from across the hall.

I turn to see Trunks walking toward me. He is used to the sight unfolding behind me since this isn't the first time my help has resulted in a fight. I smile at him as I start to walk toward him.

"Hey Trunks, how was your day?"

"Hellish. I'm swamped with homework. How about you?"

"I have a little, but not too much"

"Lucky! Sounds like you have training time this weekend" Trunks sighed.

"Yeah. I have been having a lot of training time recently. Guess that's why I'm stronger than you" I teased.

"No way you're stronger than me. Watch..." he said walking over to Marron, our childhood friend.

"Marron, which one of us is stronger"

"Normally, I would say you Trunks, but Goten has been looking stronger lately" she answered.

"Hahahahaha!" I laughed.

He then brushed her off and blushed. He started to walk away, and I was going to follow, but Marron pulled me aside.

"When are you going to tell him?"


"Goten, it's unhealthy to keep it bottled up"

"I gotta go. I'll text you later"

I walked away from her, toward Trunks who was waiting, quite impatiently, for me.

We walked to Capsule Corp, where I did my homework with Trunks, then had to fly home for dinner. I didn't want to leave, but I had to.

I walked through the front door and immediately heard the one sound that never seems to end, screaming. My parents are fighting again, and I bet I know what it's about.

I just ran upstairs into my room, and started writing. I have to go now, it's dinner time. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I'll write as soon as I can tomorrow.

Until then, bye.

December GroomWhere stories live. Discover now