87. Abby's Shower!

Start from the beginning

"You didn't know me then and you thought I was just someone who wanted to use Frances. I love her like my sister and I respect her and I know you know that now. I'm glad we got past our shit. Oh and you should make a onesie while you're here," I said.

"I'm glad we moved past that bullshit. I'm sorry I was a bitch to you. I never should have said anything about you or you and Dave as a couple. Let's go make onesies together you goofball," Courtney said as she put her arm around me and we headed off to the onesie making station.

We all spent the afternoon making onesies, eating all of Abby's pregnancy cravings, and playing games. We played the dirty diaper game where you had to guess which chocolate bar was inside before moving onto guess the baby food, guess the mother's measurements, place the baby on the mommy, baby dec-a-cake and the game where you draw the baby on the paper plate while the plate is on your head. Frances had been in charge of giftbags and prizes while I dealt with the decorations, games and the baby dec-a-cake. It was the one thing Ollie had helped with. Taylor had come over yesterday to hang out with Dave and left Ollie in the kitchen with me and the other kids. Baby dec-a-cake is where you make plain cupcakes and hide a fake little baby inside one. Then the guests decorate a cupcake however they want and the mom to be picks her favorite one. When everyone is about to eat the cupcakes you tell them that there's a "pregnant" cupcake and whoever gets the baby is the next to have a baby. Ollie got to put the baby in whichever cupcake he wanted. Before we opened gifts we got everyone into the dining room so Abby could pick the winning cupcake before everyone ate their creations.

"That one hands down. It's a Chevy Metal cupcake. Who did it?," Abby asked as she looked around at all of us. When her eyes fell on me, she pointed at me and I raised my hand slightly.

"Guilty," I replied.

"You get the last prize then which is the Chevy Metal shirt," Frances said as she walked over with the prize bag.

"Yes!" I said in excitement and everyone laughed.

"Ok before you eat your cupcakes, one of them is pregnant with a little baby. The one who has the baby in their cupcake is the next to have a baby," Frances said as we all started eating the cupcakes. After awhile someone finally spoke up.

"Well who knows. Maybe Lucas and I will," Jordyn said as she held the baby up. We all shared small laugh before Abby spoke up.

"Ok let's open the gifts so I can go nap before my boys get home," Abby said and we all headed back into the living room. After she was down opening gifts everyone started leaving. Abby headed upstairs for her nap while Frances and I cleaned up. I put some of the left over cupcakes in a container to take home because before I left with Meredith, Dave asked me to bring some home.

"We got the living room done. Meredith is outside popping balloons to her little heart's content. She promised to pick up the pieces and bring them in when she was done," Frances said as she came into the kitchen.

"That girl melts my heart. Thanks for helping me plan this par tay," I said as I put a thing of icing and sprinkles in my purse.

"You're welcome. What are friends for after all. I'm happy it went as planned even with my mom showing up. Please tell me you are taking cupcakes with the amount of frosting you're taking," Frances replied as I put two other thngs of frosting in ym purse.

"I am but those ummmm are for me," I replied.

"Ok no I don't need or want to know. I'm taking off. Give the little men and Dave my love," Frances said as she started getting ready to leave.

"I will. Give Scotty my love," I replied.

"Later bitch," she responded as she walked out of the kitchen. Meredith came in shortly after with the balloon pieces.

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