They will come not only as Gibeonites but also as Sanballats, proposing to help us build what they have been unable to stop, or asking us, through other ‘priestly’ agents, to entrust our security to their ‘wise’ counsel and go into mutual hiding with them, that they might secretly slay us even as they do now, from house to house, under cover of darkness, in some northern places (Nehemiah 6:1-13). 

Watch the ‘helpers’ you recruit in this season of battle, irrespective of the capacity and guise in which they come, and Christian corporations and agencies should not be hasty to sign up with peaceful Gibeonites suddenly showing up with capacities to help. Remember Taqiyya.

May the Church in western Nigeria, especially in and about Lagos, please, hear.  Some of your chief priests have been marked for visitation in the seasons of night.  Three prominent priests have been so focused upon, any of whose harm would be a grievous pain on the whole Church.  Now my head (not the Lord) supposes that the same caution to some measure would not be irrelevant in the other regions also. May each church, especially those large three (and I hear in my spirit that they have already received some natural intelligent hint, in spite of this prophetic intelligence), between now and the end of March, if not until after Easter this year, ensure not only the prayer cover of their priests but also their visible deterring armed protection, so that blood does not come upon their negligent hands.  It should be the prerogative of the caring membership, not be left to the spiritual high priest. You want a scripture?  This is the one He gave me.  Paul never needed any soldier’s protection.  He had often enjoyed divine protection, and also declared his preparedness otherwise to die for the Gospel should his blood become a necessary sacrifice.  However, once upon a season of trouble, the strategy was different.  In that season, he received divine intelligence which did not come in a church setting or through a prophet or a vision but by means of an attentive little boy with relational access to him.  That social intelligence alerted him that a fatwa had been placed on his head; that some people of a different religious persuasion had vowed not to eat until he was liquidated.  Those to carry out the bloody plot already had others in government that were to lobby and manipulate the system to their evil and determined agenda; they were to ‘advise’ government in its own interest to handle the prisoner in a certain way, but in such a way as would expose him to their hidden plot.  They would start a riot in the courtroom, and hide under cover of the momentary social confusion to kill the preacher.  In that auspicious season, Brother Paul found it expedient not to announce his every movement, not to go everywhere at every time but under cover of darkness.  In that season, those entrusted with his security offered him a special safer ride than he had always known, with an impressive escort of 2 captains (officers),  200 men, 70 horsemen (armoured personnel carriers), 200 spearmen (armed sharp shooters), totalling an escort of 472 officers and men, to protect one Very Important Prisoner!   Is that in the Bible?  See Acts 23:12-23. 

Paul did not continue ever after in that imperial fashion, but once upon a season of crisis, it was imperative.  He did not provide it, but he did not refuse it.  Those Boko militants did not dare show up against such a show of strength.  They wanted to kill, but themselves did not want to die.  Suppose they had dared to confront that army, would those fierce soldiers have eliminated them?  Only a proper Roman soldier would answer that.

Did you read “A Declaration of War” in this series two posts ago? Have you been reading their lips like I have done?  They, all the chiefest of them, have not forgiven the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) since (or probably even before) he dared to say that Christians could defend themselves against the Boko Haram aggressors. If they have been unable to bribe and bridle him, they will be glad to riddle him, should that also be sufficient provocation for the reactions they have so desperately awaited in this season. The Boko Haram leader even dared to ask him to “recant” his call.  I read lips, too. The Church cannot fail to man his gates also in this season, that blood and shame do not come upon our heads.

It has been ‘predicted’ by so called international ‘experts’ who know nothing of  God’s agenda for Nigeria but who speak for their evil gun-running belly, that Nigeria could split in 2015.  They also are scheming to bring their evil ‘prophecy’ to pass, as in other republics. Col Gadhafi of Libya pronounced that expectation against Nigeria, and began covertly to push the Agenda through jihadist agencies in hope of an Islamization scheme. God has killed him in his own land. Others will yet die, even in Nigeria.  Recently, the Governor of Niger State, home state of former President, rtd Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, has been quoted in the papers to have vocalised the same possibility in the form of a fear of the present events.  The prayer point is for us to arise, according to Isaiah 54:17, and “condemn” “every tongue” that rises up in judgment against God’s purpose in the Nigeria.

“Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?” (Lamentation 3:37).

Again, I hear February 27.  I call for watchmen and women from midnight of February 26, praying an hour and a half each, to midnight of the 27th. We shall be glad to have 27 persons (and more) send a mail to enlist, and get posted to a watch hour.

The persuasion gets daily renewed to refresh our readers with the June 1996 revolutionary message on Thrones, not merely for this season in Nigeria but for other nations also.  I trust that it shall prove timely as it then was, and has since been popularly demanded. Click on the link to read Thrones.

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