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I sigh and rise off the floor, this is a pointless conversation. "You'll never understand because you don't want to. You're a selfish and ignorant man, and if I find out that you so much as approach Riley again you'll end up in a damn hospital."


Riley's Point of View.

Months have flown by.

It is now the end of May – also Prom is tonight.

I debated, going back and forth for a few weeks now on even going. I was asked by a few people but the only person I've considered – aside from Lucas – is Ryder. Yes, Ryder asked me to prom but not in a romantic way. He made a good point, since there are no romantic feelings for one another and we're friends it would be more fun, especially since we were able to get a table with all of our couple-y friends. And after a week of persuasion, I accepted his invitation even though I told him he could dance and leave with whoever he wanted. So, that's how Maya, Smackle, Darby and I ended up in this hotel room that we rented with our moms getting ready for prom.

I guess the big question of the night is, am I upset that Lucas isn't here? Yes. I mean that's pretty obvious but it will be 6 months in a week and I can't keep dwelling on it. So tonight, is just about having fun and in doing so, looking gorgeous.

Which leads me to my dress, which is beautiful. It's actually two pieces so it shows a little bit of my midriff. The bottom half is a pastel pink high waisted tulle skirt... it's so fluffy I'm gonna die! Oh, come on you knew that was coming! Anyways, moving on. The top has a light pink bodice with a high neckline lace and floral overlay. I was the first one ready, leaving my hair down in curled tendrils and Darby's mom had done my makeup. She airbrushed me, then contoured and then proceeded to tell me she was going to make me look 'natural'. Once she was done, I understood what she meant, I had zero eye shadow on but eyeliner and mascara were prominent and my lips – well, Chap Stick is the way to go.

Everyone looked absolutely stunning; Maya's skin tight floor length black dress, Smackle's short fluffy floral mid-thigh dress and Darby's crimson red mermaid style gown. So many pictures were taken separately and together, I now know why we had to get ready an hour before prom started. And things only got worse when the guys came in with their black tuxes and matching ties to go with their dates. A small smile tugged at my lips and developed into full blown laughter whenever I see Ryder strutting through the door. "He would." I whisper to myself and watch as he twirls his white fedora on top of his walking stick. Yes, Ryder is wearing a white suit, there was no stopping him once he made up his mind, not like I even tried but what would be the point? His tie is as black as coal, I made it clear he didn't have to match me and I had no say in what it was he chose to wore, he took advantage of that.

We had used up the entire hour of taking pictures, I took a good portion of my 'couple' pictures alone and a few with Ryder. Some with my mom, the girls and even my dad and Auggie showed up so I was able to get a few with them. "Come on, kitten. Let's show you off!" I chuckle lightly while he's spinning me vicariously down the hall. I'm surprised I haven't spun into someone yet. Everyone else is walking hand in hand in front of us towards the ballroom. Subconsciously I was searching for Lucas, I guess it would be consciously since I am fully aware of what it is I'm doing. I'm hoping again and just like every day for the past 6 months it won't do any good.

Heaving a sigh, I begin averting my gaze back in front of me, stopping occasionally to gaze at the girls dresses. Everyone looks so beautiful, it isn't until we reach the door that I feel a pair of eyes quite literally burning a hole into the back of my head. Turning on my heels as quickly as allowed by nature and gravitational laws, the smile that has approached my lips falls... immediately. My entire body tenses but that doesn't stop me from retreating and bumping into Ryder's chest. "Kitten? What's wrong?" I can hear the worry in his voice as he gazes down at me.

Sweet Cheeks. Rucas. GMW CHOICE AWARD WINNER!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu