X- Markina

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Am I... Human like you?

The year was 6969. A cold and ruthless year for the Dick Elders allowed no sex to happen. Humans were slim and when people broke the rules... They die. I was foolish to not obey the rules... But they didn't kill me as I didn't have sex I was close though.. And he was cute too. "Send her to the prison" the eldest commanded as the others looked at him. "But sir" "she didn't have sex... But we are going to send her away to where she can't" he smirked and the others silenced. The guards grabbed my arms back pulling me away from the elders.

I knew my fate had been laid out before me... I never seen this prison.. But I heard of it, rumors go around that if people are caught fooling around sexually with out intercourse get sent to this abandoned prison in the middle of the ocean. I have seen people get dragged from the elders castle just like I am now down the towns main hall. We would all watch the next victim with scared eyes. As I get dragged I see them... What's left of our people flow out into the corners of the street, their mouths covered. I hear weeping and I look over to my mother, "please return safely... (Y/n)" she yelled as I held back tears. I felt my body being dragged down to the docks. I look at the water gracing the brown wooden docks and then I look back at my town. The dark pit of what I used to know will all be forgotten...

There was another rumor... That this prison had robots and not just any robots, human robots. Fit along with a cold and ruthless personality. It has been said that these robots were human once... But turned into wires... To teach the humans that get sent here.. To become robots...

I was pulled onto a boat and into a concealed room with no windows. As the guards threw me on my back I see them close the steel doors. Alone I was in the darkness, looking around I start to panic. I don't want to become a robot... I felt the rick and rocking of the boat making me sea sick, I feel around the room trying to feel for a trashcan but only to find nothing. I braved it and sat in the far corner holding my stomach pretending I was back home. It worked for a while... Until I felt a jolting stop giving my stomach a whirl. I was greeted with the shining light and the husky arms of the guards. As they dragged me out i look around, the rumors were true... I saw nothing but water, as they drag me along tge shore I get on my feet and they walk me up to this gray building. It loomed over the island like a shadow, I knew that was the prison. The guards walked me through the electrical doors revealing a very wide and technical room. Humans stood around but something was funny about them... They way they just looked, it wasn't human. The guards led me up to a desk and a lady looked at me. Her eyes flashed. "Added cell 4 20-30" she sounded like Siri.

The guards shove me down parts the desk and down a decorated hallway, I looked to see rules.

° You are here to learn not to enjoy.
°You are a prisoner and will be treated as such.
°You are here until your training is complete.

I see cell ways holding humans on both left and right of the hallway. The cell walls were clear and had notes on them. Each cell held about two people and what it looked like they were from all over the globe. I look up to see a sign '16-18' it flickered. 'These poor young teens .. They were just trying to live a little' I get shoved into a elevator. Bzzzz. Ding. They push me down out and down another hallway decorated with the same rules. I see the cells are painted. But there were alto. The sign above  flickered' 20-28' we stop at the end of the hall and I was pushed unexpectedly at a cell I went through the painted wall and saw a plain white room about the size of a master bedroom. I heard laughing and I turn back to see the guards leaving. "She'll be dead in a week" one of them say. "No way! I bet you $10 she's dead by tomorrow!" "deal"

'Why are they betting on my death?!' I think as I hear a bbz. I turn around seeing this blue box on the white bed. I go up to it, as I was about to touch it a flash knocked me down. And I hear a whir. I look up to see a man in his late 20s with black comb over hair and glasses framing his face, he had stable on his chin looking like he just shaved. He looked at me, his brown eyes flashed along with his blue shirt with a M on it. "Prisoner 23876 welcome my name is Mark I will be your trainer in hopes to teach you to be a better person in life" I get up astonished that this thing that looked so real wasn't. It was freaky.

"Oh really? Like you could stop me from sexually wanting someone!" his eyes flashed a anger look at me. But I wasn't scared, he's just a flesh bag of wires. "Yes it is my job. Now shall we start your training?" he pointed to a chair on the other side of the room I go to it. "Please. Sit" I pick up the chair and throw it at him he raised his hand and the chair fell into little shreds of clippings. I felt a strong shocking sensation on my body. As I look he had his hand pointed at me, somehow he was shocking me. Another chair appeared and the shocking stopped. I caught my breath and felt numb, "again sit" I sit and he walks around the chair. "Repeat after me, I will not desire" "go fuck yourself " I felt a shock. "Again. I will not desire" "eat ten dicks" another shock.

This training went on for weeks. With each electric strike I could feel my body breaking. I lost count of the days. I didn't even notice the food that I was brought by Mark. I didn't eat at first. Until he started to cram it down my throat. I was still fighting.. Because I knew there was something to fight for.

"Your starting to agitate me" Mark said as I pant trying to catch my breath from a recent shocking. "Why do you fight prisoner 23876?" I look at him and grin. "Because there's something to fight for. I don't want to live with wires. I don't want to be a machine" he leaned his head a bit to the side. "Prisoner 23867 you will not be filled with wires" I bit my lip and looked at him "back in my hometown we thought some humans were robots from the way they acted... And vice versa " I saw a sad flicker in Marks eyes like he was remembering something. "Are you going to shock me again?" he shook his head and sat on a chair that appered. "Tell me more..."

And so I told him. I told him of my hometown and how we hear about this prison. I told him of the rumors. And funny stories of my past. With each day a new story, he was so interested. Weeks had past and we were getting to know each other in this cell. I couldn't get out but he could. He would bring food, water, and a newspaper. One of my hometown.

One day me and Mark were sitting on my bed as I was explaining the crossword him as he turned to me and held my hands surprising me. "Am I... Human?" I look deep into his brown eyes" "I think you are Mark I really do. "

The look in his eyes and the feel of his warm hands was so sincere. And with the past months of me being in here learning about him and him about me.. I started to feel for him. If the rumors of them being people before the wires are true then I can try to find a way to turn him back.

"I want to be human again..."

To be continued. I know I've been gone and I apologize. Don't worry there is smut in this. I just thought to try a deeper story. This is kinda swinging with a movie I watched called X Machina (also got 6969 plot in it yeah!).  It's really good you should watch it. Anyway hope you like it part to will be out soon.
-Dank Heely Mark

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