Chapter one

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I lay in the back of the car, sprawled across the back seats, my head on Little Jon's lap. Absentmindedly he lightly stroked my hair and I closed my eyes to the sensation. The feeling reminded me of a distant memory, so dim now that I wasn't sure if it was a dream or it was my reality. I tried to hold onto it, a familiar face staring down at me but as I reached it was gone like dust in the wind.

The car was quiet, Ezra was behind the wheel and Robin in the passenger seat. All you could hear was the sound of the car engine running and the faint sound of our collective breathing.

"Oh no," Little Jon murmured softly, his fingers leaving my hair and I opened them sleepily in confusion, "Your left cheek is swollen again... I think you re-fractured it." His murky green eyes filled with worry and I knew he was going to say but thankfully he kept his mouth shut.

"I'll go to the kitchen and find some more ice. Don't worry, it doesn't even hurt." Little Jon, even though he was big and strong, was quite sensitive which was surprising because his other brothers weren't as compassionate as him.

Robin was cold and calculated, there was no emotion in his eyes and even though it had bothered me at first, it didn't anymore. I was too used to it for it to bother me. He was, in my opinion, the most deadly because he would kill you without a moment's hesitation if it meant the safety of his brothers. Ezra on the other hand, I had come to find out was quite compassionate however it was something he hid well. It was only when you needed him, would his arrogant personality melt away. I suspected he was a lot nicer before this all happened but if you were soft, you wouldn't survive.

Ollie was soft.

I closed my eyes pushing him from my mind, my chest restricting with pain at the mere thought of my beautiful dead brother. Sitting up I stretched moving away from Little Jon who still looked at me with strong concern.

"I'll be fine, I'm not going to the doctors," I said strongly and he turned away to look out of the window. I'd rather break my fingers one by one than go to the doctors right now. In fact, I would rather avoid the chambers all together but sadly we were low on supplies and the boot couldn't fit any more product.

Since the General had put a 'ban' on raids in fear that the Golik would find us, there had been no new products coming in. Stuff that we needed, like food and clothes. He claims they could last generation with the food they have already but I wasn't going to take that chance.

Besides, we wouldn't want the Golik to go on breathing, would we?

Looking around, I saw that we weren't far away from the underground entrance. "God I am starting to hate this place." I murmured and Ezra made a sound of agreement. "What time do you guys want to leave again?"

"I don't know, I kind of would like to have a shower and a proper sleep so we can go in a couple of days. Just don't get caught, each man for himself." Ezra turned and shot me a wink which I replied with my middle finger.

I didn't like the idea of staying a couple of days but I knew that I couldn't ask them to leave straight away. Even though they knew I was avoiding the place for certain reasons, that didn't mean they were. In the beginning, when I had wanted to leave, Ezra had been the only person who had been willing to break the rules. Frankie, Spencer and Duke all begged me to stay but there was no stopping us, no matter how hard they tried.

And boy did they try...

"I don't want to shoot you, Olive!" Frankie screamed at me as I raced down the halls, my duffle bag in my hand. Ezra had been split from me and I prayed that he had gotten away to. I narrowly missed a couple walking around the corner and I slide on my knees underneath their hands, causing them to jump back in fright.

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