Forty Five*

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"You know Alice?" I stuttered out. It seemed like everything was moving very quickly: first, Astrid and I were being accosted by some meatheads, then there was an odd seven-second fight between two werewolves and a warlock, then I find out the guy actually is a warlock and that he knows Alice. Flynn shot me a half-smirk and leaned against the bar counter.

"Oh, sure. We were two peas in a pod back in the 1300s. A little testy." He leaned forward, his eyebrows drawing together and his voice lowering into a suspicious whisper. "The real question is, why do you want to know?"

Astrid was dumbstruck and didn't even bother responding. I scrambled to find an explanation that wouldn't give too much information; I wasn't sure if I could trust him yet. "I, um-we think that she might know where our friend is. She's been gone for a while and we're worried."

Flynn cocked an eyebrow. "And why would Alice know this?"

"Uh, actually, do you think we could wait until our other friends get here? I think they'd love to talk to you."

Flynn scoffed. "Honestly, girl, I don't get the impression that you're tryin' to trick me, but I'm not too keen on reuniting with Alice. We didn't exactly part on the best note. I'd best be going."

In a desperate gesture, I grabbed ahold of his wrist with both hands. "Please," I said frantically. "I can't stress how important this is. We can pay you. Anything, really. Just please talk to us."

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to manhandle a warlock?" He eyed where I was holding his wrist. I quickly released him, not knowing whether he easily turns hostile.

"Just five minutes. Please."

"Three minutes. This better be worth my while."

I nodded eagerly, immediately opening the Bond with Amaad. "Hey. You should come here. Really quickly."

"What? Why?" was his immediate, worried response. "I'm coming now. What happened? Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Relax. I met a warlock who knows Alice. I think he knows where she is."

"I'm bringing Logan with me. Be careful. Warlocks are finicky."

"Yeah. I know."

Flynn was looking around the bar at the customers, none of whom seemed to be interested in us. Astrid stood up and spoke since she revealed Flynn as a warlock.

"We shouldn't do this here," she said lowly. "Someone could hear us."

I nodded, looking at Flynn to make sure he agreed. He gave a curt nod.

It was even colder outside. The wind was blowing, bringing what seemed like sheets of snow with it. The frigid air bit at my nose and cheeks and penetrated my thick layers of clothes, chilling me to the bone, even after I put back on the coat that I had removed when entering the bar. Two large figures, barely distinguishable through the thick white snow falling from the clouds, were approaching the bar at a brisk pace. Flynn seemed unaffected by both the cold and the intimidating werewolves.

There was another inch of snow on the ground, and it was falling so fast I couldn't even make out the details of Astrid's face, despite her being just two feet from me. Amaad and Logan, with their long legs and brisk stride, quickly reached Astrid, Flynn, and me, who were quietly discussing where we could go to talk.

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