"Ciao, welcome to Italy." she said

"Ciao." I said back with a smile

"If an emergency occurs, call either of us, but any other information can be requested from Abelia." Georgio said

"Okay." I nodded

Abelia and I headed to the car while the boys headed to the black BMW waiting for them.

Once we got into the car, Abelia started to go over her clipboard.

"Are there any places you had in mind to visit first?" she asked me

"Um, no. I don't know anything about Florence." I responded

"Okay, great. I have a list here of some of our most beautiful landmarks. I also have great places to grab a bite to eat and do some shopping. How does that sound to you?" she said all at once

"Um, sounds great. I can't wait."

Abelia instructed the driver to take us all over Florence. I was, of course staring out of the window in awe at the beautiful city. We visited the Florence Cathedral, the Galleria dell' Academia where I got to see the statute of David. We shopped for some jewelry at the Ponte Vecchio before stopping at a cute cafe to eat authentic Italian cuisine. We went wine tasting and then we shopped at The Loggia del Mercato Nuovo. It was a day of exploration that I could have only dreamed of. By the time we were done, it was time for dinner and the boys said that they would meet us at a restaurant called Enoteca Pinchiorri.

Abelia informed me that this was a fancy restaurant and one of the top rated in the city. I told her that I wanted to change into something more appropriate and she led me to a dress shop. I bought an expensive light pink, off the shoulder gown with a slit that came up to my thigh. The saleswoman recommended nude ankle-strapped heels to compliment the dress and I accepted her suggestion.

I bought gold earrings and a necklace from Ponte Vecchio earlier and accessorized with that. I still needed my hair and make-up done, so Abelia had the driver take us to a beauty salon. By the time the stylists had finished my hair and make-up, we were already thirty minutes late.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Abelia spoke to the hostess in Italian, who then lead us to our awaiting party. The restaurant had a beautiful chandelier hanging in the middle of the room and I could not help but become distracted by its sparkle. Each table had its own designated area with dividers to give each party their privacy.

When the Amantés came into my view, I could see Giovanni's annoyed face, probably as a result of my tardiness. I saw Giorgio with a bored expression and three other men with full wine glasses in front of them. Had I known we would have guests, I would have not been as late.

Giovanni's annoyed face turned in to astonishment when I was in his sight and Giorgio perked up, adding a smile to his face when he saw his brother's reaction. Giovanni was sitting next to Giorgio while the three guests were seated side by side next to Giorgio.

"Sorry I'm late, my preparation took longer than I thought." I smiled sheepishly

Abelia translated the phrase over in Italian for three strangers at the table. It was hard to not notice them checking me out and the lustful smiles placed on their lips. I took the only empty seat in between Giovanni and one of the three men. The waiter came over and took Abelia and I's orders for drinks. I asked her to order one of the wines we had tasted earlier and she nodded.

Giorgio spoke to the three men in Italian and pointed towards me. I heard my name, as well as three unfamiliar names. I assumed he was introducing us so I responded with the only word that I knew in Italian.

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