Chapter 32

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Part 94

Cas couldn't breath, he thought, hoped even, that maybe, just maybe, Dean cared for him. Like really cared for him. He thought that maybe, just maybe, Dean would be a little broken hearted about their 'break up'. But he was wrong. As soon as they stopped seeing each other Dean slept with someone else. He knew Dean's reputation, that he liked sleeping around, but he thought he had changed. That he cared about Cas. And there he thought he would maybe come out for him. He was planning on it, coming out to get Dean back. But after knowing what he did, he couldn't. He couldn't ruin his reputation and not even getting Dean back. He walked to the other side of the school and sat on one of the benches in front of the back door. He hoped that one of the school teachers came early so he could wait inside. He sat there for 2 minutes when someone came from the way he came just 2 minutes ago. He didn't have guess who it was. "Hey Dean. " He said. "Uh... Hey Cas." Dean said. He just stood there, looking unsure of what to say. "What are you doing here?" Cas asked. "Can I ask you something?" Dean said, completely ignoring Cas's question. Cas knew it was probably a bad idea to say yes so he just played it cool. "You just did" He said, smirking even though he knew it didn't reach his eyes. Dean scoffed and sat down next to Cas, who moved a little away from him. "Still afraid to be seen with me?" Dean said, smiling sad. He was almost mad Cas thought. "No" Cas answered. "Then why are you moving away from me?" Dean said. Cas stood up and walked away, stopping when he was almost out of earshot. "You shouldn't have followed me, Dean." He said. Dean stood up too and moved towards him, he stopped when Cas made move, making him stop. "Why not? Nobody is here? I know I broke up but why are you moving away from me like you're scared of me-" Dean was cut of by Cas. "Because I am scared" He yelled, neighbors be damned.

Part 95

Now dean was totally confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I'm not scared of you in that way. The total opposite actually. You make me feel safe, like what we do is right. Like no one in the rest of the world matters. I want to be with you 24/7, always. But I can't. I'm scared of the feelings, like you're gonna leave me. I doubt myself every single minute of every single day. And it's exhausting, but with you, it's like it doesn't matter. But I can't help but doubt when you're not there, i'm doubting if you actually like me, or if it's an act. Like I may do something to push you away, like I always do. And i'm scared of the rest of the world. Because truth is, the world is screwed up and sometimes I have trouble finding the good things in this screwed up world. Because humans are screwed up, they are. I keep having faith, but every damn time, they let me down. People murder people because they don't think what they feel is human, like they do the world a favor, those people are monsters. And if you are not like everyone else, you are a target for those monsters. I just want to be like everyone else." Cas ranted, he didn't know where all the words came from. "But you're not, and you shouldn't be ashamed of that, it's good to be different. I'm different, we can be different together." Dean said. Cas looked at him like he was crazy and let out a pained chuckle. "You don't care about me. It's not even 24 hours since we broke up and you already slept with someone else." Cas said, he turned around to walk away again but Dean's voice stopped him. ΅Wait! What?! What are you talking about?" He asked. Cas turned around again with a pained smile. "Ohh I read between the lines. Really Dean? I know you never really cared about me, but telling me that you slept with someone else when it's obvious I didn't sleep because I was crying like some pathetic little kid. 'I didn't go home last night' and 'I couldn't stay there this morning' sweet of you to try and cover it up but i'm not stupid."

Part 96

Dean was even more confused. "I wasn't sleeping with anyone! I slept outside on the ground because I didn't want anyone to see me cry! And I do care about you, I love you! Don't you ever say otherwise!" Cas stood wide eyed. "You what?" Was all Cas could bring out. "Yeah! I love you! And I thought I could stay away from you but I can't even though you look horrible, you look so hot. And I missed you so much even though it was only 1 day. I'll be patient, I will. Just please promise me one thing." Dean said, hoping that Cas would take him back. "Anything" He said. "Promise me whenever you do come out, you do it for you. Not because you think I would leave you if you did. Because I won't. But also promise me that you do come out, because I can wait, I can be patient, I can help but I can't and won't wait forever. Okay?" Dean asked. Cas nodded before answering. "Yeah, and I Love you too. Goddamn I love you so much. You have been the most questionable thing in my life and you made me doubt everything but with you everything seems so right with you. So I don't care anymore. I'm done, what are people gonna do? Sent me to a camp? Make me break up with you? That's not going to happen. I love you and I'm done trying to pretend-" Cas was cut of by Dean's mouth on his. This was the first time they kissed in public and suddenly Cas didn't care if anyone saw. Sure he won't make an announcement, but he won't care, he won't hide. Dean was is and he was Dean's. And if anyone had a problem with that, they could fuck off. They broke apart and let their foreheads rest against each other. "What do you mean you don't care?" Dean asked slightly out of breath. "It means, I won't care what anyone thinks. Sure i'll care but I won't hide myself anymore. Let's just be us. Just holding hands and kissing goodbye just normal couple things." Cas responded. "Couple things? Does this mean you want to be my boyfriend?" Dean asked. "Only if you want to be mine." Cas said. Dean kissed him again and they parted. Dean held out his hand and Cas took it. "Good because I do." Dean said. Cas smiled brightly. He didn't know exactly how exhausted he was. But it felt like he just woke up after 30 years of sleeping. It also felt like he could finally sleep again, like a normal teenager. 

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