Chapter 14

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Part 40

Gabe sighed and sat up, he now sat on the bed. Cas walked towards the bed and sat down next to Gabe. "What do you want to talk about?" He said. "What happened Gabe? I saw you kissing that boy." Cas said. Gabe looked down at his hands. A single tear running down his face. "You don't care. Nobody does." Cas eyes widened at Gabe words. "What are you talking about? Of course we care. You're our brother. We love you." Cas said, making Gabe look at him by holding his head in his hands. When Cas was done he let go of Gabe's head. Gabe looked at his hands again. "I know you guys love me but you don't care what happened. Just like you didn't care when you asked how school went. That was just small talk." Cas saw more tears running down his older brother's cheek. "Hey! Look at me. What are you talking about? What has school to do with your date?" Gabe looked into Cas's eyes for the first time since he came into the room. "You think you care how my date went, but you really don't. Just like when you asked how school went. You think you care but deep down you really don't." Gabe swallowed his nerves away. He wasn't used to all this attention. He never spoke about his feelings. He looked away from Cas and looked down at his hands again. "Maybe if I knew before, she... she... she wouldn't have left." Cas was more confused. Who left. "What do you mean. Who is she?" He asked. Gabe didn't look up but he did answer. "Our mother. She always asked how school went and I always told her exactly how it went, minute by minute. Maybe if I knew people just asked it to be nice. Maybe she wouldn't have left. But she got sick of me and left all of us. So I never answered that question again because I don't want you guys to leave too." Cas grabbed his face again and made him look at Cas. "That is not true! A mother isn't supposed to get sick of their kids! She wasn't made to be a mother that's why she left." A few tears left Cas's eye. "She didn't leave because you told how your day went. I did the same, hell Anna told more. We were kids we didn't know everything that doesn't mean she got to leave. And Gabe?" Gabe's tears stopped. Cas continued. "Don't ever think we don't care about how your date went. We wouldn't ask if we didn't care. Please don't ever think that we don't care. I can't believe you shut yourself out because you thought we didn't care, or worse we would leave you. We would never leave you. Never! You hear that, you're stuck with us."

Part 41

Gabe looked up and smiled, not his normal smirk. But a real, honest smile. "I guess my theory was a bit pathetic." He said, cas smiled. "Yeah, just don't shut yourself out okay?" Gabe nodded. "I don't know why I thought that. I just felt like it was my fault." He said. Cas's smile faded and was replaced by a sympathetic look. He pulled Gabe into a hug. He never hugs people but he knew Gabe needed one. "It's not your fault. I promise. I love you brother." he whispered. Gabe threw his arms around his brother and hugged him back. "I love you too." They pulled apart and just looked at each other. "You okay?" Cas asked his brother. Gabe stopped crying but his eyes were still red and swollen and his face was still wet. Cas's tears stopped too. "Yeah, I am now." Cas stood up and walked away. He stopped in Gabe's doorway. "Gabe?" He asked. Gabe, who was lying down again now. Sat up again and looked at him. "Yeah?" He said. "Thank you for being my big brother." Cas said, it was true Cas loved his big brother. He looked up to him and they were good friends. Gabe's eyes lit up and his sight began to become blurry. Before he let out another tear, Gabe rubbed his eyes. "Shut up" He said with a smile. Cas smiled, he knew this meant a lot to Gabe. "You know you can always talk to me right?" Cas said. Gabe nodded and laid down again. Cas smiled and walked out the door, closing it when he left. He walked back to his own room and opened the door quietly, making sure not to wake Anna in case she was sleeping already. "Hey Cas. How's Gabe" She asked looking up from her phone and putting it down. She sat on the bed leaning on the headboard. When Cas looked at her in confusion she explained herself. "I couldn't sleep when god knows was going on with Gabe." Cas understood that. He walked towards the bed and sat down next to her. "I can't tell you but he's fine now. " He said, looking into her eyes. "Wait, are those tears?" She asked shocked and referring to the wet lines on Cas's face. "Yeah, but it's okay now. We just talked about Gabe's feeling and stuff. " He said casually. Anna looked at him with disbelief and smile. "Seriously? Gabe and feelings?" Cas laughed slightly. "Yeah, but I could tell it was the first and last time. Come on, let's sleep. We have school tomorrow." Anna murmured something Cas couldn't hear he figured she would want to more, but she reached for he light and turned it off. They wished each other goodnight and they both laid down. Sleep came fast for Cas.

Part 42

Dean woke up from the most annoying sound ever, his alarm. He grunted and hit the snooze button. Monday came too fast. After his alarm rang again he decided to get up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, hoping to be more awake. He looked at his alarm, 7 A.M. he read. He stood up and walked towards his dresser, he picked out some clean underwear, a white t-shirt, a plaid shirt and some basic jeans. He walked towards Sam room to make sure he was awake. After he saw his little brother already fully clothed, running around in his room, getting all his books. He chuckled and walked towards his bathroom. He got out of his pajama pants and tossed his underwear in the pile out dirty clothes. He took a quick shower. He got out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels and wrapped it around his waist. He looked into mirror and smiled, he knew today would be a good day. He dried himself and put on his clothes. He walked down the stairs and saw Sam sitting at the table in the kitchen, reading some smart kid magazine as Dean calls them. "Hey Sammy." He said, grabbing a bowl and some cereal. "It's Sam. And we ran out of milk." Dean cursed under his breath and put the bowl and cereal back. "That means we, I mean I have to cook?" He asked. Sam nodded, smiling before reading again. It was 7.30 already so that meant he didn't have a lot of time. "I'm sorry but it won't be one of those fancy breakfasts okay?" He said, a little guilty that he couldn't make that for his brother. "It's okay Dean." Sam said, not looking up from his book. Dean just made scrambled eggs and tossed it on some toast. "Here you go Sammy. But eat it quick. We don't want to be late." He said. Sam mummered a small thank you and ate it all. Dean ate the same. Around 8 they almost ran to their car. "Come on Sammy! We don't have all day!" Dean yelled from his car when Sam was getting his last things. "Okay, okay. We can go now." He said when he got into the passenger seat. Dean drove out of their driveway and hurried to school, maybe missing a few red lights. 

A/N Omg I got so many reads. Almost 1 K. Thank you guys so much! Don't forget to vote and comment! I would love to hear your feedback. And maybe check out my other destiel story, it's about Dean and Cas who are engaged and Dean get's in a car accident and when he wakes up he doesn't remember Cas, so Cas has to tell their story. I'm not very far with it because I mostly write for this story but I will continue it. Love you all


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