Chapter 18

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Part 52

Cas got to creative writing and sat down. He didn't sit in the back but he didn't sit in front. He sat with his 'friends' and tried to concentrate on his book. A few people came into the classroom and he looked to see who it were. He eyes widened when he saw Dean Winchester walking into classroom. They said a small 'hey' to each other when Dean passed him on his way to his seat in the back. He felt Dean's eyes burning in his back but he didn't dare to look back. The teacher began the lesson and every time he tried to focus on the les he felt Dean's eyes burning a hole through him and that was pretty distracting. Balthazar tried talking to him a few times but he didn't respond, scared that when he tried moving his head. He wouldn't be able stop himself from looking at Dean. He didn't know why, but Dean had this attraction and it made Cas drive insane. Once again, Cas pushed his feelings away, ignoring the hole in his heart. 'Why the hell can't I stop thinking about him?' He thought every time he had the urge to look at the green eyed boy. He figured that it was the thought of the 2 of them sleeping together, like they shared something that made him crazy. He didn't know what it meant but whatever it was, Cas ignored it. He stared out in front him and tried to think of anything else. The teacher spoke and Cas just focused on that, taking more notes than the teacher was explaining. Halfway through the lesson he ran out of paper and he had to get another one out of his backpack. And normally it wouldn't be such a big deal but this meant turning around and looking at Dean. He wasn't sure that when he looked at Dean he could make himself look away.

Part 53

He didn't have any other choice, just keep your head low. He turned around and he immediately found Dean's eyes. They locked and looked at each other for what felt like an eternity. Cas was forced to look away when the teacher called on him for sitting turned around. He quickly grabbed a clean notebook and he couldn't be more thankful for their strict teacher. The teacher told them to write a short story about what inspires you and Cas took the only thing that he could think of: His brother. He wrote about he was proud of how strong his brother is and about how he adored Gabe's personality. Sure he could be an annoying bastard but his smile, not his smirk. But his real smile could light up an entire room. The students gave the teacher their stories before the bell rang again and they got up and went to the next class. As Cas expected; Dean was in his math class. This class wasn't much different from the one before. Except the class of course. He could feel Dean's gaze on his head and he could feel the strange attraction towards it. He also felt that he couldn't do it. So instead of looking back, he just kept working and when the bell rang saying it was lunch time. Cas had finished 10 questions. He waited on Dean this time. He wanted to talk to him, he needed to. Dean walked towards him and his heart skipped a beat when Dean was standing in his personal space. "Hey," Dean said with a smile. "Hey. Do you want to sit with us at lunch?" Cas said, lunch seemed the only normal subject. They made up but they didn't know each other very well. "Only if my other friends can come too." Dean laughed. Cas nodded, not understanding it was a joke. "Yeah of course." They didn't talk on their way to the cafeteria. When they came in, Cas's eyes fell on his big brother. What the hell was he doing here?

Part 54

Dean's last 2 periods were hell. He looked at Cas the whole time and he couldn't focus on the teacher. Now he was walking with Cas to the Cafeteria and luckily, the feeling eased. It was a comfortable feeling. That was until he saw Gabe, he saw Cas eyes widened and wondered what was going on inside his head. Again luckily he didn't have to wonder long because Cas spoke again. "What the hell is my brother doing here?" It was now Dean's turn to widen his eyes, he almost choked. "Brother?" He said, clearly with panic because Cas turned around. "Gabe is your brother?" Cas nodded confused at the question. Didn't everyone know Gabe was his brother? "Yeah, do you know him?" Cas asked. Before Dean could answer, Gabe threw an arm around his little brother. "Hey Cassie. Hey Dean" he said. "Hey Gabe. " Cas answered, Dean was still too shocked to say anything. "How do you know Dean?" Cas asked. Gabe whispered something into Cas's ear and when he saw Cas eyes widen he knew Gabe had told him. Cas suddenly felt something he had never felt before. It wasn't jealousy, it couldn't have been. The air was suddenly filled with awkwardness. Dean couldn't be more grateful when Sammy came towards the three men. "He little bro. " Dean said. Something was off about Sam but he couldn't quite pitch it. Maybe it was just the awkward air. "Hey Dean, Gabe and Cas?" He said. Cas nodded and laughed slightly. They walked towards a table and sat down. It was soon filled with Dean's friends, Cas's so called friends and Sam's friends. The lunch was awkward to say at least but it was fun. It was probably just that he didn't know them. They talked about star wars, bees, music and their worst nightmares. Cas's was not being accepted, Dean's was losing a lost one ( especially Sam) Sam's was not being happy and Gabe's was doing things wrong.

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