Chapter 16

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Part 46

Dean and Sam made it just in time at school. The 5 minute warning bell had already rang and Sam said a fast goodbye to Dean before he went his own way. Dean rushed to his locker and got out his books for the upcoming 4 periods. Math, P.E. and creative writing. He almost ran to ms. Mills's classroom, he couldn't afford to be late again. He walked in the classroom and saw that he was on time, he walked towards his regular seat, next to Charlie. "Hey, Charlie. How was your weekend?" He said while sitting down. She gave him a warm smile before answering. "Hi, it went good. I met a nice girl. I think her name was Dore... Dore or something like that. I have her number and we are going out again." She thought before asking. "How is it with your one night stand? And with your mystery guy?" She asked, looking ready to gossip. Right when Dean wanted to answer a blue eyed guy came walking in the classroom. Dean's eyes locked with his and his heart stopped. 'No! Leave it alone. Wait! What is he doing here? No he can't be in this class!' Dean thought. He never paid attention to other people in this class. They were only in homeroom for about 10 minutes and he mostly stared in front him or talked with Charlie. It was like that in all his classes he found out, except for the classes he doesn't share with Charlie. He knew Castiel Novak. Everyone knew him and his family. He had a brother whose name he had forgotten. But that brother was always pranking the students and sometimes the teachers. His sister was one of the most popular girls of the school and of course head cheerleader. She wasn't a bitch though, Dean talked to her sometimes and she was really nice. She didn't bully less popular people and you could see she cared. Her best friend Lisa was nice too, he talked to her sometimes but they weren't friends or something like that. He had about 2 classes without Charlie and he talked to her a lot in those classes. Samandriel wasn't into to sports but he was into theater, he did with such passion that people loved him for it. He wasn't super popular but he did hang around with people who are.

Part 47

And last but not least, Cas. The boy Dean was friends with. Friends. Whoa, that sounded strange. They had a one night stand and now they were friends. He was popular just like his sister but he didn't act like it. He didn't go to a lot of parties. He had a lot of friends and he saw them hanging out often. He acted like any other popular teen but... Something was off. He wasn't exactly that. He was quiet when he thought no one was looking. Now he thinks about Dean doesn't know why he knows. He doesn't have a crush on him or something like that. And he sure didn't before they slept together, he knew of Castiel but he never actually knew him. They never talked and he probably didn't even know Dean existed. And somehow Dean had this feeling about Cas. Like he could see through the wall Castiel had set up. And he doesn't know why. He just wanted a simple friendship with the guy and he wanted to make that work. I mean he kissed another guy. He doesn't need Castiel. When Dean realised he was staring, he quickly turned away, when he looked back at Cas he saw that Cas was smiling. Without realising he was doing it, Dean was smiling back. Cas walked past him and sat in a chair Dean didn't see. Dean was now staring at nothing and lost in his thoughts, until a certain redhead decided to pull him out. She waved a hand before his eyes and he snapped out of his thoughts. "Dean?" She asked. "You listening?" She asked. Putting her hand down again. Dean nodded. "Yeah, I mean-" Charlie interrupted him. "You just got distracted by a certain blue eyed beauty?" She asked with a wide grin. Dean nodded embarrassedly, looking at his hands. "So how did it go with the mystery boy? And what's going on with you and Novak?" Dean looked up again. Making sure ms. Mills wasn't looked their way. "I kissed him. I mean Gabriel. That's his name Btw. And as goes for Cas. We're friends." Charlie looked shocked. "Yeah, we're friends. He came to my house and we talked it out." He said

Part 48

When the bell rang signaling that the class was over, Cas rushed the door out. The thoughts he was having weren't right. They weren't. He wasn't supposed to have them. He rushed to French and was relieved when a certain green eyed boy didn't walk through the door. He didn't think he could take that. How was he supposed to be friends with the guy if he couldn't deal looking at the back of his head for 10 minutes. Class began and mr. zach came in. "Bonjour Class. Sorry for running late." He said. They were supposed to only speak french in this class but nobody -including mr. Zach- cared. The 50 minutes went by slow. Cas caught himself looking at the clock a few times and forced himself to pay attention because he knew that when you looked at the clock, the time would only go slower. And he was not in the mood to stay in hell for an eternity. The bell rang and Cas couldn't wait to get out of class. He rushed to Chemistry. He shared this class with Balthazar so now he had someone to talk to. They sat in their regular seat in the back. "Hey Cassie. How is your day so far?" he asked with a smirk. Cas figured he saw the exhausted and pissed off look and decided to comment on it. "Hey Xar and don't ask. I'm just tired." They talked the whole class but Cas's mind wasn't with it. As soon as the teacher got out a bottle with green stuff, which Cas already forgot the name of. He began thinking of Dean. And it were those thoughts again. The thought who weren't right. You wouldn't think of normal friends like that. He didn't think of Xar like that, why would he of Dean. It only pissed him of more. He didn't want to think of Dean like that, but his mind didn't care. Everytime he closed his eyes he saw Dean's green eyes and it was driving him insane. Why couldn't he be normal? Why did he have to think of his friend that way? He has nothing against gay people but he didn't want to be gay. He wanted a wife and children. So he decided to ignore the so called 'feelings' and carry on with his life and trying to be friends with Dean was one part of it.  

A/N You're probably getting sick of me telling thank you but I want to tell you again. Thank you so much for reading and voting for this story. I love writing it and I didn't know if people would like it, but apparently some people do. Again Thank you! <3


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