Chapter 29

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A/N I'm sorry for not updating for a few days. We had a special test week at school so I had to study a lot and the time I did have, I spent on writing for my other story, on which I hadn't updated in a very long time. (Be sure to check that out if you want to.) I have a school break now so I hope I can update some more now. 

Btw, how f*cking amazing were the first 2 episodes of supernatural season 12? I cried at how Sam and Mary were in the bunker, their talk was precious and Sam is precious and just the whole Winchester family is precious. (Yes, Adam too) 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Part 85

The day went on, everything went fine. Dean and Cas were together, at least when they were alone. When other people were around Cas and Dean were 'just friends'. Dean didn't like it but he had promised Cas that it would work like that. So he just had to try, Cas would have to come out eventually. It went on like that for 2 weeks. They were 'friends', at least that's what people thought. Everyone knew Cas's reputation so they had no doubt that he was straight. It sometimes upset Dean. But Cas made it always up to Dean with kisses and sometimes even make-out sessions when nobody was looking. Sam asked if he could go to Gabe, they became best friends, and Dean had said that they'll both go. Castiel got into Dean's 'baby' and Sam had decided that he'll ride with Gabe, Anna and Samandriel. Dean and Castiel arrived 15 minutes later because they stopped to make-out. When they got out of the car, Gabe and Sam stood outside, waiting for them with a smirk. "So how many red lights did you guys have?" Gabe said sarcastically with a smirk. "Shut you pie hole!" Dean shot back. Sam and Cas just laughed. They all followed Gabriel into the house and split up. Dean and Cas went upstairs while Gabe and Sam went into the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink Sasquatch?" Gabe asked when they reached the kitchen. Sam laughed at the nickname like he always did. "Just water, thank you" He replied. Gabe frowned and commented. "You're no fun, live a little." Sam just shook his head in disagreement. Sam sat down on the counter while Gabe went to get a glass of water and probably a coke and candy for himself. Minutes later Gabe returned with a glass of water and a coke. He also had some candy and a sandwich. He gave Sam his water and the sandwich. "Thank you." Sam said, Gabe just shrugs and sat down next to Sam on the counter. Sam looked at what on his sandwich was and smiled happily. It was a sandwich with cheese and some salad. "How did you-?" He tried to finish question but Gabriel cut him off. "I may not agree with your style of food but I know what you like, I also know that you'll never ask for it so I got you it anyway." He said while sipping at his coke.

Part 86

To be honest Sam was kind of speechless, he didn't know Gabe knew him so well. But he decided he shouldn't say anything about it because Gabe didn't like serious stuff. Sam figured it had a special reason but he didn't push him to tell something. "Hey, you want to play some games?" Gabe asked, breaking the silence they were in. Sam nodded and they both set their plates on the counter and walked out of the kitchen and into Gabe's room. They both sat on the bed and they took turns playing GTA5. Sam didn't have the game at home so he wasn't very good at him but Gabe helped him. Or at least tried. Every time Gabe would say something to help Sam, Sam said he could handle it and that he was smart enough. After going like that for an hour Gabe had enough. "I know you're smart enough, dumbass." He said, Sam looked up in surprise and laid the controller on his lap. "What?" He asked. Gabe sighed and went to sit in a better position so he wa facing Sam. Sam did the same and they were now facing each other. "I said that I know you're smart enough. You're one of the smartest people I know." Sam looked shocked at Gabe's sudden seriousness, but didn't question it. "Really?" That was everything he could get out of himself. "Yeah, you're the whole package, I mean you're smart, funny, caring and hella hot." Gabe seemed shocked at his own words. "I mean if you're into-" His attempt of taking it back was cut short by Sam. He had a hopeful look. "You think i'm hot?" He asked. "Yeah... I mean... you know... You're good looking. I... Uhh... " He said, not trying to deny his blush. He was so red right now you probably wouldn't see the difference between him and tomato. "I think you're hot too." Sam said. Gabe looked up from his lap for the first time in this conversation.

Part 87

Gabe had a hopeful look in his eyes and it was now Sam's turn to turn into a tomato. "I think you're the whole package too btw." Sam said. Gabe was confused. "Why? i'm not smart or nice." He said with a frown. Sam frowned too. He couldn't believe Gabe saw himself like that. "Don't say that." He said. "What?" Sam frowned again. "You don't see it, you are smart! You are super smart. You just say dumb things at bad times and you do dumb things. You are also one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. People think you don't take life itself serious and I think the opposite. I think you take it too serious, so serious that you don't let people get close to you, you also try to laugh everything of. Like joking is the answer of never being hurt. You make people dislike you by playing pranks on them, but I know that whoever can get through to you likes you. All the people that know the real you, like you. I promise. And I just hope that you can take your wall down in front of one person and maybe give that person of making you happy." He said. Gabe just looked at him wide eyed and mouth open, tears threatening to spill. He licked his lips before opening his mouth to speak. "You already did." He said. Sam looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I know this maybe ruin our friendship but I need to say this... You already broke my walls. You already make me happy. I can't say that i'm in love with you because it's too early for that and that may take a while, but i'm getting there." He finished. Sam looked at him with wide eyes. "Sam? Please say something. Don't leave a guy hanging here." Gabe tried to chuckle but it came out painful. "You're falling in love with me?" Is all Sam could say. Gabe just nodded, not trusting his voice. Sam didn't answer and Gabe looked up at Sam and locked his gaze in Sam's. Sam still didn't speak, he just looked at Gabe. Looking at him like he may disappear if he looks away. Before Gabe could process what Sam was doing, Sam was already in front of him and pressing his lips on Gabe's. It was better than either of them could imagine or did imagine. It wasn't like there were fireworks but there was pure passion. Just 2 souls and bodies forming into one. Before parting way too soon. They pressed their foreheads together and were panting slightly, before Sam smiled and spoke. "I'm falling in love with you too"

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