Chapter #4

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Part 10

Balthazar laughed, "You know be too well," he said, then he continued. "You know that movie with the boat? You know that one where it sinks?" Cas looked at him in confusion, 'till he realised what Balthazar was talking about. "You mean the Titanic?" Balthazar nodded. "So you know I hate that movie so let's buy every one in this crappy town and let's burn them all." Cass laughed in disbelief and stopped as soon as he realised that he was serious. Oh, good you're in? Let's go then." Balthazar said happy that he could convince his friend to join. "What!" Cas yelled when Balthazar walked away. "You can't just buy them all! Where do we get the money? And where would you burn them?" Balthazar laughed. "You still have to learn, 1. I have money and 2. Somewhere in a field." Castiel nodded slightly, he needed the distraction so why the hell not? They walked towards the store because neither of them had a car. When they saw all the Titanic movies Cas began to question Balthazar. "Balthazar?" Cas asked, "are you sure you want to spend all your money on this?" Balthazar nodded and just grabbed all the 26 boxes. They were 7 dollars each so it was a lot of money. Cas was just happy that he didn't need to spend his money on this and he still couldn't believe Balthazar was. But he was his friend so if he was going down Cas was going down with him.

Part 11

Dean was still talking to Gabriel, it was 3 hours later and they were saying their goodbyes. "So, i'll talk to you later?" Dean said, Gabriel nodded and fished a paper and a pen out of his pocket. He wrote some numbers on it. "This is my number, call me if you want." He said when he handed it to Dean. Dean just nodded and stepped into the car. 'What the hell is he supposed to do with that' he thought. Dean drove back to his house, when he arrived he walked into the house and went to the kitchen to make dinner for Sam and himself. He decided to make pasta. Sam got home and went straight to his room. Dean was almost done when he yelled. "Sam! Dinner's almost ready! Set the table!" Sam came running down the stairs into the kitchen and he took 2 plates, cutlery and cups of water and set the table. He sat down at one of the chairs and waited for Dean to arrive with dinner. Dean arrived with pasta not long after Sam sat down. "So did you do something today?" Dean said when he sat down. He put some pasta on Sam's plate and some on his own when Sam responded. "There is this girl who keeps texting me, and I don't like it." He said with a frown on his face. Dean chuckled and said. "Why don't you give her a chance? And what is her name?" Sam sighed, "Becky, and i'm not giving her a chance because she isn't what I want" Sam was only 2 years younger than him so Dean understood what he was going thru. "Then what kind of girl do you want?" Dean said. Sam sighed in frustration. "I don't know, none I think"

Part 12

Dean almost choked on his water. "Are you okay?" Sam asked "And are you okay with that?" Dean was shocked that Sam thought that he wasn't okay with him being gay. "I'm okay, and i'm okay with that, of course i'm okay with that. You're still my brother, nothing changed. I still love you." He reassured. Sam smiled, "Thank you Dean, I love you too. " they ate the rest of dinner with just cheesy topics and silence. When they were done Dean asked the question he wanted to ask since Sam came out. "So how did you know you like guys?" Sam sighed he knew Dean wanted ask that question, he just hoped that he would wait a little longer. "Well sometimes I see this guy around the town and he always caught my eye, so I began thinking, I never really liked girls and now I do like a guy. So I guess that how I knew. How did you know?" Dean never told Sam how he knew, and he hoped he never would. "When I was in 7th grade I sat next to this guy his name was Benny and we became friends, one day he asked if I wanted to be more than friends. First I didn't understand so I just ran away. I broke his heart. When I came home I started thinking, I had girlfriend before but I never really liked them you know. And I never felt..." Dean sighed, he really didn't want to tell this story. "I never felt like this with girls, so I wanted to tell him that, but when I came to school the next day he was gone. I asked the teacher what was going on and she said he moved away. I still didn't understand what was happening so I called him. He said that he just wanted to kiss me before he moved away. I told him I felt the same and we said our goodbyes. I never got to say thank him for helping me discover who I really am." Sam looked at his brother and gave him a hug, because he knew Dean needed it. 

That one night (Destiel-highschool)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu