Chapter #5

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Part 13

Cas and Balthazar came out of the store with 3 bags full of movies. "So do you want to tell me what's going on with you?" Balthazar asked when they walked towards the bus stop, the bus would take them out of town so they could burn them. Cas just looked at him in confusion, 'he didn't know what had happened last night after the party right?' he thought. Balthazar saw his confusion so he explained himself. "Well, at the party last night you kinda just disappeared on me, you didn't even say goodbye. And now you're acting really weird. And normally you wouldn't do this, you're too good for that." Cas sighed, he was a fool for believing he could lie to Balthazar, he probably knew him better than Cas himself. Still he couldn't tell what had happened last night so he decided to lie. "I don't remember last night so I can't answer the question on why I let you alone, but now I just needed a little fun because I have a big chemistry test coming up so I won't have fun for a while. -boy if he only knew- You're glad I came right?" Baltazar knew he lied but he just figured he didn't want to talk about so the good friend he was he didn't ask more questions. "Yeah, of course." He just said after studying Cas for a while, 'what could he be hiding that is so big that he didn't even tell his best friend.' Balthazar thought. They stood in silence until the bus came. "Come Cas, let's go." Balthazar said with a smirk. "Let's burn these movies!"

Part 14

About 20 minutes later they arrived at the bus stop, they paid for the trip and they walked out of the bus, the town wasn't that big so they were out of town fast. They were next to the road by a bus stop next to a field. Nobody knew why there was a bus stop here, but there was and it came in handy right now for Balthazar and Cas. "So where do we burn them? and how?" Cas asked unsure on what to do. Balthazar looked in his pockets for a lighter but he didn't find it. "Shit" Cas looked at him pissed. "What did you forget?" Cas said with annoyance in his voice. Balthazar looked at him with a guilty look. "A lighter" he murmured. Cas looked at him more annoyed now. "What's that?" Balthazar looked more guilty now. "A lighter." He said. "I forgot a lighter." Cas was mad, you could see it in his eyes. "Are you kidding me?!" He shouted "You forgot the lighter?! How can you forget that? What are we going to do now? We are in the middle of nowhere and the next bus back into town comes in 30 minutes!" Balthazar laughed at how worked up Cas was "Calm down, just call Gabriel, he has a car right? Just ask him if can bring a lighter and after that he can help if he want" Cas sighed "I'm not calling Gabe to ask if he wants to bring a lighter." Balthazar looked at him with puppy eyes because he knew his best friend couldn't resist that. "Okay, okay, i'll call him."

Part 15

After dinner was done Sam cleaned the plates and cutlery because Dean already cooked. Dean went to his room, he didn't know what to do so decided to listen to some music while lying down on his bed. He just thought about his day, how weird it started and how weird it ended. He really likes Gabe but somehow everything he did, Dean compared it to Cas. But he just had to make it work, he had to get over Cas. Maybe it will go away he thought. Cas wasn't gay and he won't ever be. He had someone now, maybe someone who Dean saw a future with eventually. And then there was Sam, who was the stranger that made Sam question everything. It wasn't easy coming out, Dean lived thru it. But he knew that Sam had the hardest part over with, accepting yourself is hard, again Dean knew that. And sure there will be bullies who will hate Sam for who he is, but the real pain is when you stop believing in yourself. Dean experienced it about 3 years ago when he was in 9th grade, he was didn't believe in himself and other people anymore. Luckily there was Charlie, and Charlie didn't only save his life but it made it better. Now Dean was proud to say: He was happy with himself. But there was only one thing on his mind that really bothered him: Cas. What was his deal with Cas ? He had Gabe now and he seemed great. But somehow every thought he had, they led back to one thing: Cas

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