Finding Cas

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Dean's POV

     I was in shock. I seemed to be seeing everything from a distance. One hour...
     "Dean, what was that?" Sam asked.
I pulled myself together. Well, the best I could. "We need to go. Now."
     I explained the call to Sam as we walked along the tunnel. I was shaking so bad I could barely walk straight. I dropped the flashlight. I went to go pick it up but Sam stopped me.
     "I'll carry it, Dean. I can see you shaking." Normally, I would have been embarrassed but I was so worried about finding Cas that I didn't care.
We walked for ages. I was constantly checking my watch, positive that the hour was gone.
"Dean, relax. I set a timer. It's only been 25 minutes." I didn't relax. How could I? I suddenly realized that it was getting lighter. I felt a cool breeze on my face. It was a relief after the humidity of the tunnel. The floor started slanting upwards, leading up to the ground above. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh air.
I was exhausted. We had probably walked miles from the warehouse. My legs were shaking so bad from worry and exhaustion I though they were going to fall off.
Sam stopped suddenly, shining his light on the floor. I went and stood next to him to see what it was. Blood was smeared across the floor. It hadn't been there for very long, it reflected the light from Sam's flashlight. Somehow, I managed to keep myself under control.
"We're close," I said. I was desperate to find Cas, time was running out.
My phone rang again. Sam dropped the light and the batteries popped out. "Shit," he muttered.
I answered the call, not even bothering to check the number.
"Hello?" I kept my voice calm. Well, calm isn't exactly the word, I was practically yelling.
"I've changed my mind." I froze. It was the man from earlier.
"You're taking too long, and its's awfully boring torturing someone. I'm going to give about fifteen more minutes? Yeah, let's do that. You have fifteen minutes."
     He hung up and the dial tone droned in my ear. I felt sick to my stomach. I had fifteen minutes to find Cas before he...No. I was going to find him. I refused to let him be taken from me again.
     "We have to hurry," I told Sam as I started walking towards the light in the distance.
     "We have fifteen minutes to find Cas. For all we know he might already be-" I couldn't say it. I didn't want to face that possibility. We would find him, he may be a little hurt but he'll be okay. He'll be okay.
     We were at the end of the tunnel. There was a ladder against the wall leading to what looked like a trap door above. I put my foot on it to make sure it would hold my weight then started climbing.
     "Wait down there," I called to Sam halfway up.
     "Let me make sure there's no one waiting for us or anything." I reached the top, the ladder creaking under my weight. I pushed the door up, expecting  it to be locked, but it opened easily, creaking on its hinges. I shone my light around the shadowed room, revealing nothing but old boxes and empty shelves.
     "It's safe to come up," I called down to Sam. I crawled up through the door, doing another sweep of the room with my light. I heard Sam come up behind me, and his light joined mine. As I started walking around to try am find a door I get out of the room, something on the floor caught my eye.  I went over to it and picked it up. I knew what it was immediately, it was one of Cas's feathers. I saw a few more scattered around the room, and when I shone my light on the floor there were drops of blood leading in a trail to a spot on the wall opposite of me. I followed it and came to a door that was blended in so well with the wall, I never would have noticed it was there otherwise.
     "Sam, over here." He walked over and saw the door.
     "Is there a handle?"
     "No." I was starting to panic. This was the only way out of the room besides the trapdoor we came through, and there was barely any time to find Cas.
     Sam started to kick the door, trying to knock it down.
"Sam, it's no use," I said. "There's no way you'll be able to-" The door fell down with a loud crash, sending up a cloud of dust.
"Never mind." Sam pushed his long hair out of his face (God I wanted to cut it) and walked through the doorway. I followed him, bracing myself against whatever we would find.

Cas's POV

My entire body was on fire. There were cuts and stab wounds everywhere. I was surprised I hadn't died from blood loss yet, I've surely lost too much.
I had woken up a few minutes after the first wound to my shoulder, but I kept drifting in and out of consciousness.
My feathers were caked with blood, and my wings hurt so bad I could barely move them. I was pretty that my right one was broken.
More sharp, stinging pain. I gasped and looked down at my stomach. Fresh blood was soaking through my shirt, already completely covered with blood. It was still strange, to see how easily i bled, how fragile I was.
"You're no fun," said the faceless man. "You don't even scream. The other ones beg me for mercy."
I probably would if I could. I had already screamed and yelled and begged for help until my throat was raw.
I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted everything to stop. I let out a choked sob, wincing at the pain it caused my throat. The man laughed, a cold, cruel laugh. I started to float out of consciousness again, but suddenly there was someone pounding on the door. I jerked my head up in surprise, causing a new wave of pain to wash over me.
     "Finally. They were taking long enough," the man said, checking his watch. "But they took too long."
     The door crashed to the floor, and Sam ran in, gun in hand. Dean followed right behind him.
     "Dean!" I called. My voice sounded like I had been eating sand.
     "Cas!" Dean's face was so scared, it made my heart hurt. He started to run towards me, then stopped short, a look of horror filling his face. I didn't understand why he looked so scared, but then I felt I sharp pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a knife protruding from my chest.

Dean's POV

The man was dead before he hit the floor. I threw my gun down and ran over to Cas. I undid the ties holding him and gently laid him down. I gently pulled the knife out and took my flannel off to stop the bleeding.
"Cas?" My voice was a choked sob.
"Dean." I had to lean closer to hear him.
"Cas. Hey. Hey, you're going to be okay." I knew he wasn't going to be okay. The knife was long enough to go through his heart. Even if it missed, he was losing too much blood.
He coughed and a trickle of blood dropped down his chin. I pressed my forehead to his, taking as much of him in as possible.
"I'm sorry." Cas said. I pulled back from him.
"What? There's nothing to be sorry about. None of this was your fault. His breath was coming in short rasps. I choked out a sob.
     "I love you, Cas. God, I love you so freaking much."
     "I-I love you too, Dean." He coughed again.
     "Thank you, Dean." I could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes focused on me.
     "Thanks for what?" I was terrified. I didn't want to live without Cas. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together, I wouldn't know what to do without him. I loved him.
     "Thank you f-for teaching me how to be human. Thank you for teaching me how to love someone. Thank you for-" He broke into a coughing fit, making his entire body shake.
    "Thank you for loving me." I bent down to kiss him. When I broke away, his body was limp in my arms, his eyes were still open. They were still so blue. God, I remember the exact moment I first saw those eyes.
     "Don't leave me," I whispered, my tears falling onto Cas's face. He was gone.
     I sobbed over Cas's body for ages. Sam tried to comfort me, but it was pointless. I felt empty, Cas was a part of me. Slowly, my sobs slowed into shakes. Sam gently pulled me away and pulled me into a hug. A new wave of sobs washed through me. My voice left me after a while, and I just shook.
     I went back over to Cas, pulling him back into my arms. Something pressed against my chest. I pulled back and looked in his shirt pocket. There was a small black box inside. It stained my fingers red when I took it out. I opened it. I could barely breath. Inside was a silver ring.

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