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     "Cas," I breathed. "Hi," he said weakly along with a small attempt of a smile. He broke into a coughing fit that made him hunch over as much as he could laying down. I saw blood splatter onto the sheets. "Oh God, Cas. Sam, help me sit him up." We helped him up against the pillows, carefully positioning his wings so they weren't pressed against them.
     More blood. "Sam, go get some water." I hoped the panic in my voice wasn't too noticeable. He nodded and ran out. Cas was still coughing. He was doubled over, clutching his stomach with blood dribbling from his lips. I didn't knew what to do. There wasn't anything I could do. I just pushed his hair back from his sweaty forehead and rubbed his back, right in between his wings. Sam came back into the room with a bottle of water in each hand.
Gradually, Cas's coughs subsided until he was hunched over on the bed, his breaths a grating sound in his throat. "Sammy, can you go find the first aid kit?" "Yeah." He gave one last glance at Cas then walked out.
I grabbed one of the bottles of water
Sam brought and opened one for Cas. "Here," I said softly. My hand was still on his back. As Cas sat up, I saw him wince and gasp in pain. Blood was dried to the front of his chin and his hands. He took the water from me. "Don't guzzle it. Sip it slowly," I said as I got up. "Where-" Cas started coughing. "Where are you going?" he asked. His voice was half gone. "Getting a towel or something to get some of that blood off you. I'll be back in a minute." I found a clean towel in the bathroom and went back to Cas. His head was back against the pillows and his eyes were closed. "God, he looks so peaceful," I thought. Minus the blood of course.
I sat down on the side of the bed by Cas and carefully started wiping some of the blood off. He took my hand in his and put it against his chest. I didn't move it. I had just finished getting most of the blood off when Sam came back with the first aid kit.
     It was a while before me and Sam got Cas all fixed up and clean. Sam stitched up his wounds while I held his hand and comforted him. I used a bunch of damp towels to get all the blood off him and gave him some old clothes of mine to change into. We gave him some leftover burgers from the night before which he devoured.
     While Cas was eating, I asked him what happened. "I-I don't know. I just woke up in a strange building one day tied up." "Do you know who captured you?" I asked. Cas shook his head. "No. I can't even remember his face." "So it was a guy? Sam asked. "I-I think so." "What did he do to you?" "He-he tortured me. My grace. He, um...he took it. That's why you can see my wings." He moved his non injured wing. "I figured as much," Sam said. I nodded in agreement.
Cas finished his second burger and sat back in his chair. "So, Cas," I said. "Do you have a preference where you want to sleep?" "Sleep?" "Well, yeah. Since they took your grace you're-you're human now, right?" I felt really uncomfortable saying this. Cas nodded slowly. "If you're human, you need sleep." "Um, I don't know." He was quiet for a minute. "To be honest with you, I um..." He looked down at his lap. "I don't really want to be alone." My heart jumped. What the hell was that?
     "Ok. you want to take my bed and I'll make something up on the floor?" "Dean, no." Cas's voice was soft and stern. "I'm not taking your bed. I'll just sleep on the floor." "No, Cas. You need the bed. You're injured." God, that was a lame excuse.
     "Well I'm going to bed." Sam said quickly. He probably didn't want to hear us argue. "I'm exhausted." "Good night Sam," Cas said. "Night Cas."
     Me and Cas argued over who got the bed for another five minutes until we both just gave up and went to my room. I changed the sheets earlier because the  other ones had quite a lot of dried blood on them. "Cas, you take the bed," I said in one last final attempt. "No, I'm fine on the floor." I sighed in exasperation. "God, you're difficult," I said rubbing my face with my hand. "All right, look. Since you're not gonna take the bed, and I'm not gonna take the bed, why don't we just share?" I blushed. There was plenty of room for the both of us. It was a queen sized bed.       "Fine," Cas said. "Ok then. That settles it. I'm going to change, you go ahead and get comfortable or whatever."
     I came back out of the bathroom in a tee shirt and sweats. Cas was already in bed. He kept looking around and was picking at the blanket. I climbed in bed next to him and tried not to notice how warm he was. Cas lied down and faced towards me to leave room for his wings. They draped over the side of the bed and brushes the ground. I turned off the light and lied down next to him. Man, this was awkward. I was facing him, we were avoiding looking at each other's eyes. Cas's eyelids were already drooping. "Good night, Cas," I said. "Good night. Dean." And he fell asleep.

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