Damn it, Cas

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     "Sam, for the last time, I am not gay for Cas!" "Yeah, you are. It is so freaking obvious!" "Really?" I said angrily. How?" "For starters, you two are constantly having eye sex." I spluttered. "No, we do not." Sam raised his eyebrows at me.
     Me and Sam were arguing about my "feelings" for Castiel. Again. For the third time this week.
   I sighed. I was tired of arguing about this with Sammy. I don't know where he got the idea that there's a romance between me and Cas, but he somehow got that idea. "Look, Sam. You can think whatever the hell you want about me and Cas, since you are obviously not giving up on the matter,but there is nothing between us." Sam just shrugged his shoulders and looked away. God, he's stubborn sometimes.
     I was about to get up and leave the room after a few moments of silence, when suddenly Sam spoke again.
    "Hey, um, speaking of Cas, have you heard from him at all lately?" "What? Oh, um..." I frowned and rubbed the back of my head. "No, actually, I haven't. Have you?" He shook his head, his long hair flying into his face. "That's weird," I said. "He normally calls." I took my phone out of my jacket pocket and looked at the recent calls. Cas hasn't called in almost two weeks. "He hasn't called in two weeks," I muttered.
"I'll call him real quick," I said louder. Sam nodded. I clicked on his name and put it on speaker. It rang. And rang. And rang. "C'mon, Cas. Pick up the damn phone."
Why was I so worried? He's an angel. He can take care of himself. It's not like we haven't gone a while without hearing from him before. Nothing unusual. Right?
Riiiiinnggg. Riiiiinnggg. "I don't understand. Why do I have to say my name?" Beeeep. "Damn it, Cas," I said under my breath. I cleared my throat. "Hey, Cas. It's Dean. Um, call me back when you get this." I hung up and shoved the phone back in my pocket.
"Don't worry about it," Sam said, noticing the expression on my face. "He's probably just busy. We'll try again later. I nodded. "Yeah, probably. He's a busy guy, what with being an angel and all." "Yeah." Silence.
"So, um, found any cases?" I said, desperate to break the silence. "No. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary anywhere." I sighed. "Things have been kinda slow. We haven't had a case in days. I'm starting to get antsy." "Yeah, me too."
More silence. "That's it. I'm calling Cas again," I said while standing up and pulling my phone out. Sam looked at me strangely as I speed dialed Cas and held the phone up to my ear. More ringing. I tapped my foot impatiently. "I don't understand. Why do I have to say my name." I hung up without leaving a message. "Nothing?" Sam asked. "Nothing," I said as I felt a weight settle in my stomach.

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