Another Chance

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Cas's POV

When Dean said that he loved me, I couldn't breathe, could barely think. All that was going through my mind was, "Wait, did he just say that? Did I fall asleep already and this is just a great dream?" I bit the inside of my cheek to be sure. "Oh my God. I'm awake. This is real. Dean loves me. Dean Winchester is telling me that he loves me."
"What?" I said, even though I heard him perfectly fine. "I-I love you," he said softly. I saw hope in him then, when he saw how I felt. I can't remember the last time I saw him have hope. "Really?" He nodded. I really could not believe it. Dean Winchester, the man who kept all of his feelings kept in a bottle, the man who could kill someone without batting an eye, was saying that he loved me. Me, an angel that used to be.
     "God, I've been wanting to know for so long if you felt the same way," I said. "F-felt the s-same way?" he stammered. I smiled and shook my head. God, he was clueless sometimes. "Dean, I love you too." I finally figured out how to tell Dean Winchester I was in love with him.

Dean's POV

Wait, Cas...loved me back? "Wait, what?" I said. Cas laughed. "I love you." I felt a huge smile spilt my face in half. Cas laughed even more. I looked away, still smiling. I couldn't remember the last time I had been this happy.
Eventually we fell silent, and just laid side by side.
"Are we actually going to bed now?"
"Um...yeah. I guess."
"Are you going to turn the light off?"
"Oh, crap. Sorry Cas."
I got up so I could reach the light. "Thanks." I got back into bed. "No problem."
     After laying on my back in silence for ten minutes I turned to face Cas. He always slept facing me so his wings could lay behind him. He was already asleep.
     I just laid there in silence, thinking about what just happened. I was still in a bit of a daze.
     "I told Cas that I love him," I thought. "And he said that he loves me...Shit, am I gay?" I honestly had not thought about the issue of my sexuality yet, I only had thought of how I was going to tell Cas. "You know what? That is an issue for another day." I smiled to myself and eventually fell asleep, Cas by my side.

Cas's POV

It was dark. I was flying, I think through a forest. My wings were hitting trees, knocking me off balance.
I was in a clearing. I landed softly and shook my wings out. They hurt. I slowly turned in a circle. Tress surrounded me in almost a perfect circle. I couldn't see any gaps between them.
Dean was in front of me. My beautiful Dean. "Cas." His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Dean," I said softly. I started walking towards him, then froze.
     He frowned. "Cas, what's wrong?" I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak. I was behind Dean, but I was still standing in front of him. But it wasn'  The differently, he had a smirk plastered across his face.
     I saw him slide a knife out of his sleeve. My brain was telling me to do something, to stop him, but I was rooted to the spot. He held a finger to his lips as his eyes flicked black. Dean, my beautiful Dean, was completely oblivious to the demon behind him.
     I screamed as the knife entered Dean's chest.

Dean's POV

My dream was ruined by a bloodcurdling scream. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the gun on my bedside table. Cas was sitting up, tears streaming down his face. I could see him shaking. I threw my gun on the table and went over to Cas and pulled him into a tight hug. It was a minute before he hugged me back.
"I thought they had stopped," I said softly into Cas's hair. He shook his head against my shoulder. He was crying. My shirt was already damp.
"Oh, Cas." I kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer. Eventually, he stopped shaking and the tears ceased.
"Do you want to go back to bed?" I asked. He shook his head again. "God, no," he whispered. "I can't go through that again." He pulled away from me and looked down at his lap, crossing his legs. "Bad?" I asked stupidly. He nodded. "Terrifying." He was silent for what seemed like ages.
     "You-you were stabbed," he said out of the blue.
     "By who?"
It came out barely a whisper. I was surprised. I had barely opened  my mouth when he spoke again.
     " wasn'" I looked at him. "It was me, but I-I was a demon. me watched the demon me stab you." A few tears leaked from his eyes.
     "Oh, God, Cas." I pulled him into another hug. "You know that you would never hurt me. It wasn't even you that hurt me." He was quiet.
     I pushed him back a bit  and gently cupped his face with my hand. "You know I love you, right?" But before he could even reply, I decided to take another chance. Another, really big chance.
     I gently pulled his face forward and brought my lips to meet his.

Cas's POV

     Dean was kissing me. My eyes closed as soon as his lips touched mine. He tasted like beer and apple pie.
     He brought his other hand up to cup my face and shifted his head. I slid my arms around his back. His lips were soft, and warm. He was always warm.
     I didn't want to pull away, but I needed to breathe. He had obviously done this before. Dean's eyes were shining a bright green, even in the dark. His lips were slightly parted, which made me want to kiss him again. We were both panting a little, I could tell that my face was flushed.
   "Cas..." I brought his face up to mine and our noses hit, but our lips found each other. I never found out what he was going to say.

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