Dinner Plans

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Dean's POV

It was on that day, the day with the rain and Cas in my arms and us curled up on the couch together that I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Cas.

Sam's POV

I came home to find Dean and Cas sleeping on the couch, curled up together. I smiled to myself. God, they're so in love. It was nice to see Dean happy for a change.
I wasn't even surprised when I walked in on them having sex a few weeks ago. I mean, I was traumatized and I wanted to wash my eyes out with bleach, but I wasn't surprised.
     Seeing them so in love sometimes makes me wish I had someone. I guess there's Gabriel...

One month later
Dean's POV

I went to get pie one day. I got side tracked and stopped by the jeweler's. I got a ring.


I told Sam later that week. He deserved to know.
"Sammy? "Yeah, Dean?" "I, um, I need to tell you something." He looked concerned. "Sure, what is it?" I reached inside my pocket where I kept the small velvet pouch that held the ring and held it in my hand. "I-I'm going to propose." I took the ring out and showed it to Sam. "To Cas." Sam looked at the ring at wonder.
     "You're ready for that?" he asked. I nodded. "I think so," I said quietly. "Can I see it?" I placed the ring in his open palm. It was a plain silver band, with a pair of wings engraved on the outside. He turned it over in his fingers.
     "When are you going to ask?" I was quiet while I thought. "I'll make him dinner tonight. I'll ask tonight."n


I had Sam help me with dinner. I could actually cook somewhat decent, but I needed a little extra help. As Sam was putting things on the table, I went to go grab Cas. I had told him earlier to not go into the kitchen until I told him to.
The sun was setting as I walked outside, staining the sky red. I looked around the sky. I didn't see Cas. I waited a minute to see if he would fly around, he flew pretty far sometimes. A gust of wind shook the trees and a feather blew by me. I grabbed it. It was one of Cas's. It wasn't uncommon for me to find a few of his feathers laying around here and there, but this one was different. The ends were covered in blood, making my hands red. I looked around on the ground. There were more feathers, some snapped in half. I felt ice fill my stomach. I walked around, doing my best not to panic but failing miserably. There was a scrap of cloth stained with red lying among the leaves. I picked it up with a shaking hand. It was a part of Cas's shirt.
"Cas!?" My voice was trembling. "CAS!" Sam ran outside. "Dean? What's wrong?" "Cas," I said quietly. "He's gone."

Cas's POV

I didn't know where I was. My head felt like it was splitting open and my vision was so blurred I could barely see. I could feel blood trickling down the side of my head. I tried to move and almost threw up from the pain that resulted.
No, I could not go through this again. Dean. He must be looking for me at this point, I've been gone for a while...I think...
Someone walked into the room. My vision was slowly returning, but I couldn't make the figure out. I knew it was the person who held me captive before.
"Who are you?" I called out weakly. They didn't respond. Either they didn't hear me or they just ignored me. A set of lights were turned on, making me close my eyes against the bright glare. The person was still silent, except for the sound of metal clinking. Knives. My stomach turned.
I slowly tried opening my eyes. The light wasn't so bright anymore, and my vision had almost returned.
I saw a table full of knives. The person was standing by it with a cloth that was stained red, wiping the blood of the knives. I choked back a sob. I had been tortured enough times in my life. I wasn't even an angel any more, I could be killed easily. I wanted Dean. I wanted my Dean. I at least wanted to see his face again before I died.
"Who are you?" I called out again. My voice was stronger. The person walked over to me, a gleaming knife in his hand. "You don't need to know, and you never will." I shrunk back. Even though my vision was cleared, I still couldn't make out his face. It was definitely a he. His voice was rough, like he had been eating sand.
"But I will tell you one thing," he said as he held his knife against my throat. "I am not on the side of the angels."

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